I liked it a lot and I was honestly hoping that they accidentally brought back Sam Beckett instead, but I would have loved the dynamics of a Season 3.
I liked it a lot and I was honestly hoping that they accidentally brought back Sam Beckett instead, but I would have loved the dynamics of a Season 3.
It’s got all the panache of Trump following through on his threat that he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and people would still support him. Could Israel deliberately target aid workers and continue to enjoy widespread support? There really wasn’t any need for proof, since yes, everyone already believed that to…
“silence speaks volumes”
They’re not just indiscriminately killing aid workers, they are deliberately targeting them.
Their “Jewishness” is important because Glazer’s detractors have questioned his own “Jewishness”.
Dying Gazans Criticized for Not Using Last Words to Condemn Hamas
Yes, all those celebrity Palestinians we can all name. Why haven’t they spoken out, since they are, of course, so famous?
I love when people forget the sequence of events in a way that immeditely exposes their biases.
They are but there are not a lot of famous Palestinians in Hollywood so it doesn’t get coverage.
Translation: MAGA voters buy WWE PPVs too.
It’s weird that saying “30,000 dead, many of them civilians, is a bad thing, and maybe we shouldn’t indiscriminately kill aid workers” is considered controversial by some people.
This sort of rhetoric, an empty platitude at the best of times, seems vaguely insane when Trump is on the ballot. “In the interest of national unity and peace, I refuse to tell you whether I prefer the moderate grandad or the perpetually aggrieved lunatic who made ‘vengeance against my enemies’ a cornerstone of his…
He’s an actor, not a political analyst. He doesn’t have to endorse candidates and people really shouldn’t care if he does. But he also doesn’t have to loudly announce that he is staying out of it if that’s what he wants to do. If you don’t want to say anything, then just don’t say anything. Don’t announce that you…
they’re probably too busy starving to hop on a podcast and talk about it
I think most people can figure out why one might hold the UN member, proud democracy and recipient of billions of dollars in US aid to a different standard than an anti-democratic terror group that rejects all rules of decency and humanity and gets no military or diplomatic support from the international community,…
Wait a minute....he’s concerned about dividing the country NOW?
Way to stand for nothing but yourself. What a hero
“but what that caused was something that tears me up in my guts—which is division”
Let’s not forget that before Alex’s coming out arc, Leigh also nailed Supergirl’s first truly great combat scene, a gunfight-turned-knifefight-turned-fistfight-turned-knifefight-turned-gunfight against a pre-Metallo John Corben.
Reminds me a bit too of when Bruce Willis made Die Hard. The man was known as a romantic comedy lead from Moonlighting and it was deemed a huge risk to put him in an action movie that Sly and Arnold had turned down.