I haven't seen Barbie yet, but I enjoyed not seeing it more than Rebel Moon. Really, just name a thing and it was better than Rebel Moon most likely. The other day I hit my elbow really hard. That was better than Rebel Moon.
I haven't seen Barbie yet, but I enjoyed not seeing it more than Rebel Moon. Really, just name a thing and it was better than Rebel Moon most likely. The other day I hit my elbow really hard. That was better than Rebel Moon.
Who could forget such iconic characters? Characters like . . . barkeep shoulder-candles? And . . . the shouty commissar? Grymtooth Laserstab! Yeah, that sounds right.
Articles and videos 10 years from now: 160 million people watched Rebel Moon, but no one can remember a single character’s name!
What I saw of it wasn't quite up to the level of mediocre.
No one liked Rebel Moon. Prove me wrong.
Zack Snyder was always... a unique individual. Now, it’s clear that he is in severe need of help. It’s tragic and sad to see given what he’s been through. His family should really step in and remove him from the public eye. This is simultaneously humiliating and insane.
I think it’s entirely possible that Zach Snyder is 100% correct about this, but as far as the zeitgeist, RM was a fuckin’ fart in the wind.
54 year old white male, huge sci-fi fan since I saw Star Wars in theater as a kid. I enjoyed Barbie more than Rebel Moon. Sorry, not sorry.
But wait until the Snyder Cut of Rebel Moon, since clearly the movie was not the director’s intended vision. /s
This is the most anyone has talked about Rebel Moon ever since the AV Club was paid to print an article about Rebel Moon a few months ago. This will likely be the last time anyone talks about Rebel Moon until they pay up again. Meanwhile I’ve watched Barbie three times and “I’m Just Ken” is going to be performed at…
I mean, the guy was on Joe Rogan, which says everything. Also, Barbie called out his film as a joke: “I kept having this horrible nightmare where I was REALLY invested in the Snyder Cut of Justice League.” It’s 100% “dudebro with hurt feefees” energy.
weirdly sweaty comment coming from snyder. he doesn’t usually come off like that. he can be a little pompous but inventing data is new.
Many people watched Rebel Moon. Few finished. Fewer liked it. And therein lies the distinction between it and Barbie.
Ok more people get puking drunk on cheap beer, it does not make it good or better than aged single malt.
Interesting how this completely ignores the organized harassment of the Steam group and its creator orchestrated by SBI employees. Apparently exposing their work, which their own site does, is bad? Why would this be bad unless there was something to hide or that their intent is to distance themselves from failed…
Yup. No one remember characters in Rebel Moon. No fanarts, not even R34 either.
Y’know what’s my big judge of a movie’s impact? Fan art.
Barbie had TONS of fan art. Heck, there’s arguably fan art in-universe with America Ferrara’s out there Barbie designs.
Rebel Moon is supposed to be this sprawling sci-fi epic and I have not seen one piece of art for any of the characters in the wild.
Maybe, but most of us watched Barbie to the end.
Racism is institutional/structural. Discrimination is not.
It’s hard to know what things you come across online are genuine and what’s just trolling, but I’ve seen young people post, with apparent sincerity, that it’s morally wrong to have sexual fantasies about a real person without their consent. Which: apart from being some kind of new hyper-puritanism, how would that…