
Kanye not getting aired AND less Bill Maher out on the airwaves? Man, what an absolute win!

Nah. I still remember being in 7th grade, and packing in this dude’s dad’s bedroom after school one day with about 12 other kids in the neighborhood. The dad had HBO and the decoder box was in his room with a 19" TV. We were there because according to the TV Guide, Porky’s was going to be on. And so it was. First R-rat

I really don’t understand why sex scenes need to justify their existence when no other scene does.  Nobody asks if every single action scene is necessary to the plot, and then decry it as “bad” or “unneeded” if it doesn’t.  A movie made up entirely of plot would get pretty boring.  It’d be like reading the CliffNotes

Not that I’m totally disagreeing with Cavill here - there is such a thing as a gratuitous sex scene - but I dislike this idea that every element of a movie has to “serve the plot”. The plot is one part of a movie (or any story); a necessary one, but also a largely mechanical one. Stories are so much more than just the

It’s pretty clear this isn’t talking about a well choreographed fight scene. They’re talking about an over-choreographed and gratuitous fight scene--which there’s a whole lot of out there.

What’s also not needed are those highly choreographed fight scenes that seem to go on for eternity. The way they’re depicted, it seems so improbable that any part of these fights could go past 10-seconds before someone needs an ambulance. Are either one of these guys asking themselves, “Does this 8-minute fight

Kyle & Jackie O work for ARN, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, as is the Daily Bellowgraph, which is where Variety got the story from (and likely repeated in all Murdoch rags like the Herald Scum in Melbourne).

I reckon we could get bungers decriminalised again if we lobbied by say we were going to shove them up their arses.

I’ve been waiting for the government to officially declare Kyle and Jackie O invasive species and then we can start taking them out with golf clubs like cane toads.

Worst part of this whole incident is that the rest of the world will learn who Kyle and Jackie O are.

Y’know what was better? Back when tabloid griftfucks were, like, a weird part of the entertainment sphere. A semi-large but containable pool of scum-sucking remora who knew they were scum-sucking remora, and who could be ignored as exactly that. Some folks would suck that shit up through a straw, the rest of us would

If Elordi punched out any cunt involved with Kyle and Jackie O he’ll never have to pay for a beer in this country again.

Tom Jones is another one who really shouldn’t still sound as good as he does for a man in his 80's.

But he acknowledges how competitive and tough the games industry can be. “The difficulty of the work, the low pay, drives even young developers away,” he points out while suggesting that, in his experience, the average “lifespan” of a programmer is about five to seven years due to the intense nature of their work.

I’m a computer engineer who began with aspirations of being a game dev, graduated, and then said “ah, nevermind” and went a different path on what sorts of software I went into. And here is exactly why:

Saw him perform a little over a year ago and he sounded utterly fantastic. He’s obviously taken care of his voice and in no way came off like someone mailing in a cash-grab tour. I was honestly surprised just given his age that he was so smooth and could still hit the notes.

Thanks for the pic - that really helps provide context and demonstrate that the post-recall version is massively superior.  

“Voluntary recall” almost always means that NHTSA went to the vendor and said “There’s a problem, and you don’t seem to be fixing it. It sure would be a shame if the government had to issue a recall instead of you doing it yourself. Sure would be a shame.” The UI on the right is FAR superior.

Wait. So, do you work for Tesla, or have your years of pro-Tesla comments on Jalopnik just been for fun?

Begging the question why Gyllenhaal undertook this in the first place.  I can understand not wanting to travel internationally in 2021 or work in a close collaborative environment.  In which case I wouldn’t have gone.