
Lol spot on, BUSTED!

Thankfully Chris is dead though.

Dirty? How racist!

Come on, you know you can as it'll be worth it.

I just took out a Rhino with C4, which was after knocking dead a Tapier with a quad bike.

And cue the lame ass Kotaku Core comments.

I'm surprised you think that she has kept them.

You're a bit late to the game there fella.

Yeah, I'm waiting for a sale then maybe ,as the demo got boring really quickly.

Man this Game of Throne shit just keeps on coming. Love the books, love the show but this stuff...

Who's Jimmy F?

Oh man, but where else will I get my fix of Zombie games until February 2015? Oh I know, EVERYWHERE!

It comes with a free Japanese schoolgirl, with a full stomach and a glass table.

Lots of guys touching each other, if that's your thing...

Forget about these average quality headsets (like most of them) and get yourself a pair of Sennheiser 558, or 598's, a mic, and a decent soundcard. Trust me, the difference is massive. If you get a sounblaster ZX, or ZXR they have a mic built into the volume knob. Headsets try to do too many things at once, without

Well spotted.

All for giggles, relax...

Franklin I think.