
Good like it's movies loooool

For just £20 I can live with that, considering I torrent every other game I've ever played.

Uh oh Skeletor's in trouble.


Ethnics? You racist :O

Arma 3.

"Racism, sexism, homophobia, pedophilia"

If you have the option to play this in 3D, or any other Lego game it's really well done for that format.

Yay gifs, it's that thing that you do again.

I'm glad that you're enjoying it. Also if you have a PC you will be able to enjoy it even more-so with the future Oculus Rift support, now that's what I'm really waiting for.

I played the beta and I did enjoy it for about an hour, but found it really boring after a while. I would of loved it to have destruction of the buildings, imagine it in the Frostbite engine. I'd maybe buy it in a sale.

Hello bloody bastard, you vote for me innit yah? Thank you come again

I played this game for about 10mins and the charm wore off, but I enjoy watching the videos that people are posting, glitches and all.

Huh, huh, huh, huh. I'll never get that jumping soundbite out of my head.

Spongebob splippers, yes!

Great show, I just hate what the internet throws up from it, Lego characters, The Simpsons, cosplay etc...



I downloaded a free copy, I just haven't played it yet.

Been playing it this afternoon for the first time and I love it.