It will be interesting to see what DDR4 will do next year, but you're right, other than that there is no need to upgrade from our systems yet. It's a shame a lot of inexperienced hardware owners don't see it that way.
It will be interesting to see what DDR4 will do next year, but you're right, other than that there is no need to upgrade from our systems yet. It's a shame a lot of inexperienced hardware owners don't see it that way.
I didn't know that as many as 11 were out lol
Do you use Hyper Threading? Because I've turned my off recently (playing BF4, DAYZ, Arma 3) and have seen great results, although they're CPU intensive games, I'm still rocking an ageing 560ti 448 which is holding its own (barely though) That series of chips are still great, and to be honest, if there's nothing wrong…
You called?
I'm still using an i7 920 D0, overclocked it the other day with a new CPU cooler and this is still laying waste to recent games no probs.
And they're worth every penny!
I was looking at their new fancy Orbweaver gaming pad.
Console? Unlucky.
Okay thanks I'll give one a go, but what do you think about the latest Razer ones?
I wonder how good it will work for when the Oculus Rift comes out, do you play FPS's in it, any good?
I am still considering getting one of these funky game pads, do you use this model?
We'll have to agree to disagree, what works for one may not work for others...
Wrong, I used to think that but there have been multiple studies in the past 2 years that show the body will use what it needs on the matter of protein. I eat all of mine in one sitting as I fast for the rest of the day.
Lol that's all he does is post sad gifs all of the time.
Clever girl.
I personally think they're fantastic.
Or a difference of opinion.