Looks like an overcrowded DayZ server to me.
Looks like an overcrowded DayZ server to me.
I don't drink coffee, it brings a nervous energy, as we can see. I recommend Green Tea, perhaps "Matcha" Green Tea, it's quite the buzz, I didn't have any yesterday though (:
You're right, it isn't, glad you've come around to my way of thinking.
Mobile phone yes, Internet access via a VPN that keeps no logs that I also use on my phone, as for the rewards card never seen the point of them.
I thought it was edgy too kid.
It took you how long to look up the word (and meaning of) "Philosophical"? I wondered where you went off to kid.
Oh yes, Facebook, the place that brings people closer to their 10,000 fake friends that they've never met. "Oooh, give me a like", worlds gone crazy.
Agreed, plus I've heard some real relationship horror stories from friends, it's best we leave it alone.
You came into this with expectations? Chris, I'm honoured and all, but I can't be that father figure you so crave.
I get a kick out of you getting getting a kick out of it. What goes around...
There is that :)
I won't hold it against you.
Sad enough for you to keep replying...
Still no capital letter, and a childlike threat of violence, thanks kid.
It's irrelevant where it started, it's what it's being used for now, and by whom You, and your information are being sold plain and simple. You might say "But I have nothing to hide, so I don't care" You might take your basic freedoms for granted, but there are others like myself who do not.
And you got that from a few comments? It would seem you have played your cards too quickly.
Exactly, Google is :)
At least start a sentence with a capital letter kid.