Yeah, I’m of the mind where I’m not really keen on it currently, but it’s only one picture, maybe it’s a poorly chosen one and better things are coming out later...
Yeah, I’m of the mind where I’m not really keen on it currently, but it’s only one picture, maybe it’s a poorly chosen one and better things are coming out later...
A couple of points I wanted to slap on here (regardless if anybody actually reads them or not), on the section of removal, to me the (a) part sounds like something as if it was actually sold within the game as well or some such, and (b) simply means that if somebody buys it but hasn’t quite downloaded it yet, and you…
This whole think makes me think about artists not getting paid for work that people like. There’s this thing where people expect they can just ask an artist to make something for them for free for something like “the exposure” or some such silly thing. I feel this mod thing runs pretty close to that. People are doing…
Those robot explosions were gloriously overdone.
Retired Batman? I must not have been following this as well as I should have been.
Yup, it’s interesting to see things unfold a little differently. as I posted in the other thread on this, I’m kind of concerned about how this effects our time line, unless it actually is severed (which I hadn’t though possible in the WoW universe before based on what was said in the past).
I mean, maybe that’s how they’re getting around their past statements of “you cannot alter the past in any major way or it would un-write reality” thing (why you always had to change races when you went back in time). but that alternate universe thing is usually how they do the whole time travel thing. I dunno, it did…
What makes this really neat for me, is that this is basically Shadowmoon Valley of Outland, but now in Tanaan Jungle. The same thing is occurring, just somewhere else. Don’t get me started on how this whole time travel thing is supposed to be going based on previous WoW’s time travel rules though, I’m just choosing to…
All these updates (especially hiding games) was leading me to think they were going to be making new games, but ya did eventually get to that as being what they’re doing, hooray! Sort of anyway, I didn’t get one beyond the ghost manor one anyway.
I like how the Japanese version mostly has a far more serious tone to it. I mean, that opening is scary looking! Granted there’s that music, but that’s pretty brief. I say bring it on!
Games weren’t just for kids!
Yup, I was thinking how the game that came out after this one could use the exact same line, and it could go on forever!
The speed of this expansion is interesting, is it going to peter out, last longer than I think (because this should wrap up the legendary ring chain) or is it going to lead to a new expansion much faster?
Oh Snacktaku, how I’ve missed you. Even if this is a really old article, still brings back the yearning.
In response to the two replies I have currently, I feel exceptionally ashamed I forgot about John De Lancie (Q). He nearly is magic, though he may be more of that they have extremely high knowledge causing them to be powerful, though maybe the base of the Lanterns comes from there too, I dunno. In the end, I guess I…
I don’t know that I like this. While I like both, isn’t the Latern’s power basically magic (not sufficiently advanced technology), and the world of Star Trek based on science? It gives me the same vibes as when they did a Eureka/Warehouse 13 crossover.
This makes me want what I’ve wanted ever since a kid, Metroid II done in Super Metroid graphics (it was totally in the opening sequence recently!). Unless this was a thing, point me the way!
Sounds like what those people were doing in Destiny, except harder.
Now when you say decades... this is a part of the star wars universe that kind of bugs me, the time difference between episodes 3 and 4, everybody acts like it was a long time, and it probably should have been based on all the stuff that happened, but instead Luke isn't really too old.
Still reading this as James Earl Jones