I'm kind of confused here, what's up with the car Decepticon being in the mix? Like, the last aerial one hasn't been released yet? It will be though... right?
I'm kind of confused here, what's up with the car Decepticon being in the mix? Like, the last aerial one hasn't been released yet? It will be though... right?
For me, Driveclub looks way better, most noticeably from the inside views. The way the water is shown at the edges of the wipers and the edge of the window frame (where it pulls back in on some turns) just looks way better. Project cars just looks like it's erasing the water that's in the way, where Driveclub gives…
I saw this in an animated gif a while back, but I don't remember seeing it during the show's run. Was it in a special of some sort? I mean, I remember them battling it out with a bunch of galaxies around, but not quite this image.
They said in the video as if they could sell the ash, I'm curious as to what ash is used for.
I never knew such a thing as Shuckle existed. What monster created him?
Still could have been brothers playing together. And damn, I didn't remember that comic at all the first page or so, and then it started clicking and the guy with the giant horn nose thing, I was all like, he's totally going to pull that thing off!
Some other findings surprised me as well. As I have never done so, I did not expect to find that 55% of respondents had recently pre-ordered a game. Despite how hated retailer exclusive pre-order items are they appear to be working. DLC and season passes are extremely popular, with 51% of gamers buying DLC and 25% of…
I'd have to pick two options then, part-time and student. Some people would have to do full time and student. If anything it should be it's own student yes/no thing. Here I doubt the Unemployed is "not doing anything" it's probably what a lot of students with scholarships/family help put down.
It's like Nintendo was saying "Won't it be awesome to have two different control schemes on one controller?"
yeah, that's why I would just like a graphical remake, I'm totally fine with those.
Oh yeah, the links between the first game were sweet as hell too. Granted we sort of got a remake of the first game in Zero Mission, but as I said, I still pine for 2. Well, maybe not anymore after seeing Zero Mission, I just wanted a redo of 2 with Super Metroid graphics ;)
All this, worded much better than I ever could have, is why this is still my #1 favorite game.
The opening sequence also contains rewarding flashbacks to Metroid for the NES and Metroid II: The Return of Samus for the Game Boy — Super Metroid is actually the conclusion to a three-game trilogy. Iconic, 8-bit scenes are rendered in glorious, 16-bit graphics. So now, the final Metroid boss fight against the Mother…
well then...
Most console online shops have a cache that keeps a user's credit card information in memory to save the trouble of having to enter and re-enter the information over and over again with each purchase. This leads to the double-edged sword where a child can go on a shopping spree since the information is already in…
That's Lord of the Hunt in a nutshell: a taste of something immensely promising, but one that leaves you wanting so much more.
I am outraged over this oversexualization of males! Not really, this is totally fine.
Ditto here. I wanted to skip Trap Team entirely (I only have "essentials" for Giants and swap force), but damn if that Spotlight don't look badass.
This is in no way making me think of
If this is the after, it looks like somebody set up one of those big light things they have off camera, so now he looks all weird instead of being in a jungle.