I see, thanks. It does make me wonder though what the games that are making it thru are doing though. I guess overall we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I see, thanks. It does make me wonder though what the games that are making it thru are doing though. I guess overall we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Some might see it as vote-spamming or taking advantage of the system, but members of the group insist they're doing what needs to be done in order to get by. Many of them have been caught in the cogs of the Greenlight machine for months, with no sign of movement.
Hrm... Maybe I should throw that workout thing in there instead of just sitting here all day doing nothing. I mean, it sounds like a good idea, but actually doing it is hard ;)
The better not throw out their 3ds version if they want that juicy mewtwo! Personally I don't own a Wii U, nor know anybody who does to ask for their code or some such, oh well, guess I'll wait.
How do you find time to watch all these Anime man?
Yeah, I was totally down with throwback using the old logo, however they've recently changed it to "pepsi with real sugar" and now it looks dumb again.
Oh man Bayou Billy, I had totally forgotten about that game!
Anybody got 98$ they care to give me? ;)
When introduced at E3 earlier this year and in the marketing materials that followed, Nintendo's little plastic figures looked fantastic, but some of the finer details seem to have been lost to the production process.
fly the wind it will take me
As you can see in the image above, no video game is safe from Google's database. With a simple search we can see Aquaman's Metacritic score. Below that, there's a rating from a website where an ISO for the game can be downloaded, which seems like a bad idea. Not every game gets a link to that particular site — the…
Now this is more like it. One of my favorite bits of the box, these yogurt-flavored candies taste, to my decidedly-Western mouth, a whole lot like cream soda Dum-Dum pops, only slightly more refined and creamy. I could eat these all day long, if my wife's dog hadn't torn them apart on my office carpet, that bastard.
Yeah, I can understand people having their favorite doctor, but I dunno, the title of the article just feels too opinionated. I don't recall doctor who being on SciFi, but then again, I do know I knew of the show when I was younger, so perhaps it was from there and I never got to watch it. Thus when it made its…
Are wearing the masks actually safe? I would think being as loose as they look may end up actually causing some loss of field of vision.
I'm beginning to wonder if people have already started faking this (reaction videos), just to get themselves watched.
Bacon and meat look horribly not cooked, bleh
Lies! there's cheese on it!
Not if I have to buy the game. *buys the game, plays for 5 minutes, gets shot and killed, lost money*
I too disagree with the title of this article! and if you have a source that shows actual amount of popularity, I'll go with that!
Batman looks fat. Overall the "people" artwork in this kinda rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Like the top image on the article and him walking in the hallway, they just look really weird. I mean, I'm no artist and the person is certainly more talented than me but it's creepy, just look at the film guy's…