Are there even McDonald's that deliver in the US? That sounds kinda neat even though I don't really like the place.
Are there even McDonald's that deliver in the US? That sounds kinda neat even though I don't really like the place.
I remember watching the Anime with my friends before it even got an English dub. I enjoyed it but we stopped around that original fight between naruto and sasuke. Now there's been so many episodes I dunno if I'd ever catch up. Also how far behind the manga is the anime? Would there still be a ton of episodes left,…
Heck, even the first 3ds game didn't use the same main characters at all. It's like they weren't allowed to play with the main characters and just had to do their own thing. After the success of the first game though, they started bringing in the familiar faces but with that different story.
I think they mostly just used his name to give the brand some footing just in case. I think had they not gone with Spyro though, it still would have been fine, but now he's stuck here ;)
DLC, a catchall phrase that can refer to any sort of digital add-on for a game, has long been a controversial subject in the world of gaming. For close to a decade now, video game publishers have tried to figure out the best ways to sell profitable add-on content, sometimes dreaming up great expansion packs (Mass…
yay! in the video they say 1 means on, 0 means off, they're trying to teach people binary!
I'm trying to see if I can make something out in the green portion of the painting, ya know, likke those dual image painting things.
These villains are the beating heart of Skylanders: Trap Team, lending more personality to the proceedings than any of the handful of new and returning non-player characters who assist the Skylanders on their quest. While only one of each elemental trap and one specialized Kaos trap are needed to capture all of the…
This sir, appears to be the special 3ds version, I salute you!
Yeah, this sounds totally amazing, and what you stated in there gave me enough to understand it. I think it not being done cinematic-ally actually sort of made it like one as you created an epic chase scene all your own in the game.
I was, actually. But I was also strangely happy to see him return. At that point, his entire face was covered in a matted black cloth from the time I'd set set him on fire by detonating some grog barrels next to him with my bow and arrow. If only Talion had a way to look this poor orc in the eye and say: "Oh, Dush,…
This video would be exceptionally better if he didn't do that yelling bit.
what the duck?
So who are these people that are leveling up? just random thugs, or people who've got names? how do they change where they are and so on. If there's an article you guys have somewhere on it, point me to it please.
I love that link you have in there for "horse armor" and of course, is oblivion's horse armor, which I say is like the grandfather of all DLC
I love this article so much. I remember the time when I was playing with a friend and just was stomping him over and over again, then he insisted no items. He beat me once, then immediately went to bed, no rematch or anything ;)
I love the exceptional overuse of the foot-tap
This sort of makes me think of when they canned UO2 and then brought a bunch of the assets in the UO instead (without the story it had though of course)
A shield? I thought maybe they were supposed to be two swords that didn't have handles... maybe
Ugh, that new pepsi logo, I really don't get it. I loved when they used Throwback and gave it the old logo, but then they went all "pepsi with real sugar" and switched it to this one. oh well.