
So is it kinda like Alien to Aliens?

What the heck kind of typing jobs is this?

I'm sadly that "Insanely unpopular streamer" Oh well, maybe some day.

Wow, that's kinda horrible... especially since I don't really eat fruits/veggies. I don't know how I'm not dead already.

All this makes me do is really focus on that grass. Nice grass.

As I stated previously, I love institutional food — just not for its taste. What I love about institutional food is that it's an entire spectrum of food products specifically designed to make you feel bad about continuing to eat it. We don't want our schoolchildren overeating or lingering at lunch. We don't want our

As I review my post-microdiscectomy feast, bear in mind that not all hospitals exclusively serve the bland stuff. When my twin boys were born they wound up at two different hospitals — Kennestone in Marietta, Georgia and Children's Healthcare in Atlanta. Children's Healthcare has a magnificent cafeteria, complete with

The greatest mouse ever made, yet they don't make them anymore :(

"Zelda's doing it, we better do it also!" From here, if we can keep the action stuff in this game, and keep the more classic RPG style in regular Dragon Quest (unlike how FF evolved), then I'll be happy.

If only it had an overhead thing you could mount an occulus on, you could just slide in and attach to it. But then the rest of this thing would just be show for everybody else since you're in the bloody cockpit when using the occulus.

Did they ever settle on what to call these? Metal babbles, metables, liquid metal slimes, so many names! (the metal slimes are the more round ones like printed on the ps4 itself)

It can't really be called "new" because then the name's going to be stupid in a few months...

So, is this an entirely new system where new games made won't work on a regular 3ds (because of extra button usage and such)? If so Nintendo is totally going to shoot themselves in the foot just like the Wii U with the terrible naming system.

to me it just looks like you have to stand in a different spot to access another mapset, and then back to access the other one instead of just instantly swapping between them. Also the 2d portion, totally was fez.

Dude, that game was confusing as hell. I wonder if any cards survived back at my parent's place.

oh man, that line "who you looking to fail?" I laughed so hard.

I'm still wondering where one object with more than one shadow is.

So, McDonald's goal is to now make Japanese people fat too? One person does not need that much soda...

And a CNN jacket over top of it, he's so badass!

Dragons? I'm in!