
Sure would be a shame if WotC (Hasbro really) lost a huge portion of its market share like it did during 4th Edition. Would be even more of a shame if that share was sliced up among the legions of extremely great indie TTRPGs on the market which are far more affordable, better organized and developed, and often times

I mean, Destiny is repetitive gameplay, too. Do you like shooting aliens, because holy shit do you fight a lot of aliens. But Destiny is hugely successful and can be a real blast, even in single-player (sometimes).

But have there been complaints about John Krasinski or JLaw being assholes behind the scenes?

So basically you’re saying it’s fine for other people to have to wait but YOU shouldn’t have to.

“Oh god the humanity.

Says the kid who’s clearly upset that he’s gotta wait a little longer to play a video game.

I also don’t like it being “between a person and her doctor” because most doctors (#notalldoctors, lol) are fucking useless at weight loss advice. I went in for a checkup and the doctor tut-tutted about my weight (wow, I’m fat? Gee doc I never noticed!) and instructed me, in one sentence, to “get more excercise and

This is simply not true. People do things for reasons we can explain, if we’re willing to wade through the work of doing so.


You could say the same thing about almost any consumer good (electronics, clothing, etc). The Chinese worker that made my iPad, or the Bangladeshi worker is making a lot less than the guys at Burger King, and they're making them in a larger volume.

Uh...Belle shouldn't be wearing Gaston's crap.

Audience pre- Game of Thrones : "We want more REALISM. Stop being prudes! More nudity! More sex! Look at "Spartacus", look at "Rome", they're doing it RIGHT. We want MORE. "

Insert happy ending? How is this guy able to watch Game of Thrones at all?

Yes it would have been funnier if Bison had exclaimed, "Blimey! I got me finger stuck in me bum!" Or if someone said "you've got some red on you" 17 times.

Please don't reproduce.

No, BIG news day for fake cars.

You could, I don't know...not click on those 4 stories?

You need to relax fellow.

A simple 'fuck you' would have sufficed. Instead I get an essay from a 1st year college student.

Tough crowd tonight...