
They damn well SHOULD!

Mother Nature.

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Check this out and understand why what you just said is not exactly a good position.

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Or you could just watch this, which is brilliant in my opinion:

I'm always surprised that people play the "you're gonna die" argument as some sort of trump card, as if people on Earth don't die. Engaging extreme environments and performing activities (mountain climbing, sailing solo around the world, base jumping, etc.) also lead to deaths but without even the benefit of

when i finally noticed godzilla it made me jump. XD

Well, I left it a bit ambiguous since I didn't specify from whose perspective all acts are selfish, but I'll answer for the person and the species.

Who is asking?

I'm worried that I won't be geared enough to get in to the theater to see it.


I remember seeing something somewhere about a universe where Firefly was never canceled, and continues to be a huge hit show. The only tiny little downside to that universe is the rampant cannibalism.

I used to game with one guy who had a ritual for badly performing dice. HHe would take his dice outside, and arrange them in a semi circle around the offender before dousing it with a dab of lighter fluid and setting it aflame, as an example to the others.

I don't know about most, but I really wanted to see more.

Deep Rising could have had a better sequel than anything else Sommers has done. A wasted opportunity. Comedy-horror and an island of Cthulhu inspired monsters. Could have been great.

Doc Savage's torn white shirt and jodhpurs. Whether you're doing your hundred-millionth sit-up, resurrecting an Egyptian pharaoh, or battling a genetic monster atop the World's Fair's Perisphere, your torn white shirt never goes out of style. Appropriate for every occasion, cool and comfortable in all climes, never

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Assume this has been posted here already but...

THIS is what Wonder Woman is supposed to look like.

Apparently he doesn't use this cocktail shaker much since it looks like it still has the price sticker/bar code on the bottom.

Next season: Rachel makes Dyad a paperless workplace.

I'm pretty sure that some of those herbs he picked would make a great side.