
That’s a thing now

...except when it’s visible from the street. Presumably the HOA has some laws about how you decorate/paint your property on the side facing the street. They usually do.

Wow...How interesting of a narrative twist would that have been, huh? Had the Deathly Hallows *actually* been the focus all along, maybe Voldemort didn’t break into the Potter house in Godric’s Hollow to kill Harry, maybe he went to acquire the one DH he never had access to, the invisibility cape, and Harry just got

Should have made a left turn at Albuquerque

I’m sure I’m going to get shouted down about this, but last night was the first time when I watched Game of Thrones and said “Ok, that’s too far for me.”. I realized at some point that while it’s fun to have your heart ripped out sometimes (i.e. The Red Wedding), the rape of Sansa put me over the limit on what I call

Night in the Lonesome October? Wha-wha-what? Was this one of his (last) collabs with Linksold? (sic)

Great classic reccomendations.

Insofar as I may be heard by anything, which may or may not care what I say, I ask, if it matters, that you be forgiven for anything you may have done or failed to do which requires forgiveness.

Ah, but is their time machine bigger on the inside? Hmmm?

Do agree on the cliffhanger being an altered timeline thing, looking forward to whether they go full-scale “no Flash at all” and such or just some minor difference like Iris and Eddie now married or something.

One more for the list of well-cast Devils, Ray Wise in Reaper.

China has fewer homicides than the US; India has a lot more but a lower rate.

Yes. This year I have enjoyed the simplicity of The Flash stories more than Arrow’s ever-convoluted plots and flashbacks. I know they are all written to converge on that season finale, but sometimes enough is enough. Then again, Arrow was never much fun. And soon enough, we will be getting yet another cliffhanger.

well, we have the other half of Firestorm still waiting to sign on, and Cold’s sister Golden Glider is in Central City, too. Too bad the other guy jumped ship to the another franchise....

Good point. Even if we never ‘break the speed of livht’ (for what that phrase is worth), who’s to say that there won't (or isn't already) some form of life or non-biological entities that exist on the scale of millions of years. To them such long scale journeys might not be completely unfeasible.

They’ve done some fun stuff with relationships involving Wells. Especially the stuff about them relying on him even when they knew he was the Reverse Flash. I also like what they’ve done with Iris. She was kind of lame at first, but she’s much more interesting lately. Character development is going to happen at least

become a soap opera focused on maudlin emo drama between the characters that occasionally breaks out into violence.

you deserve waaay more stars!