
I give thee Canaan Ulfbert, son of the gods.

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Anyone else think of this when they heard the Batmobile?

It’s probably the same logic they use when they put lights inside of a space helmet. You know the actor can’t see diddly squat other than the reflection of their own faces but at least the cameras can see the actors. If they were realistic or even plausible they could use extras for most of the shots.

Penny Dreadful

Never watched it.

Same with Outlander. A large step too far. Not easy to walk away from shows that you are engaged with over a long period but I refuse to let a show leave me feeling the way these shows did with their last episodes. They made a wrong turn somewhere and I just don’t want to follow.

I believe Night in the Lonesome October was his last book published before his death. Two were finished after he died by Jane Lindskold.

Which book?

I have never read it. I will get a copy and set it aside for the fall. Thanks!:)

I’ve probably read LoL about 6-7 times. Never fails to entertain. I’ve read Armor probably about 3-4. That one takes more time between readings. It’s better if the memory blurs and you can avoid anticipating what is going to happen so much. If I were judging on number of times read I’d go with Hobbit and LotR. I’ve

I didn’t create the meme, I just work here. Besides, I like irony.

Speak for yourself, my friend. I know many illiterate people in the world that are true joys to be around. I much prefer to share thoughts, hopes, opinions and the occasional dream with such gems of humanity than a single exchange with an arrogant perfectionist who has no connection with compassion and kindness.

Indeed! Being a writer I am as sensitive as anyone to grammar and spelling errors but I don’t use it as a weapon to hurt and belittle people. Kindness and compassion (and a little sarcastic humor ...and irony it seems) tend to better facilitate good communication much more than absolute correctness.

Sounds like fun! I really hope this show goes as well as it seemingly could.

Ah, but is their time machine bigger on the inside? Hmmm?

How is it that no one has picked up on the fact that Eddie has the chance to be the greatest hero of all time? He has it in his power to eliminate the Reverse Flash, prevent the real Dr. Wells from being killed and also the explosion at Star Labs. And in this one stroke prevent all the meta-humans from being created,

Needed a cigarette. Lacking that ...and umbrella? Something ...