
Oh, hell yeah!! I love how the trailer already sets aside the hangers for this season’s Arrow: Sarah rising from the Lazarus Pit, Ray Palmer not actually toast from the HUGE explosion when he activated his suit but just got ...small ... ABOUT FREAKING TIME!! (of course he wasn’t actually wearing the suit when hell

The RING! We’ve seen it before and guessed, even hoped on occasion but there it was in all its glory! And now ...Cisco has it! Next season: The Flash gets the bright red suit with standard white background logo and it is made to fit in the ring for Barry to wear. I am very good with this!

Certainly our understanding of how the show will handle the Stone is limited at this point. It does seem though that it only went liquid/tempest-tossed in the near proximity to an inhuman. So that leaves me with two thoughts:

Doesn’t ARGUS have facilities for handling villains with abilities? One would think that a deal could be cut. Granted their record isn’t that great and they will probably use the Meta’s for Suicide Squad like missions but at least they wont all starve to death in a secret prison hole should a lab experiment go awry

Beautiful, charming, likable asshole. He was perfect.

Greenland: 19.4
Japan: .3

I think its the boredom factor.

So you want a character redundantly named “Golden Gilder”?

In Arrow didn’t she get Cisco to make her a gun that turned everything to gold? I think Gilder is a better title for this version of the character. (On that note, wouldn’t having a gun that can turn anything to gold pretty much preclude any need for future thievery?)

Gilder. But yeah.

When the Machines take over they will figure something out. The perception of time and space is such a subjective thing. The objectivity of circuitry and continuity of the non-biological holds great promise.

Here ya go.

Thus my reference to the “Muse that inspires” moving to Arrow.

As much as I enjoy watching any comic book live action show Arrow seems to have lost it’s way, maybe it always has. It has ceased to be (and only marginally ever was) a show about super-heroes fighting crime and super-villains and has become a soap opera focused on maudlin emo drama between the characters that

I’m thinking that Oliver switched the vials and all the Arrow Squad got was harmless knock-out drugs

Any one know why Central City has more gold in reserve than Fort Knox in it’s hayday? Do they print their own money? Do they have a lot of dentists in that town?

Perhaps he will reprise Arthur Dent and show up in the midst of the battle:

I want to know who, in their right mind, would put a kabuki mask over THIS face??

From The Flash about Iris ...

Uh. Huh.