
“For the low low price of $29.99, now the entirety of Destiny can play itself and you instantly become level 25 just because!~ Act now!”

Ugh got me again, I wish you guys would just put that “no word of international release” at the top.

I must go, my people need me!

I have played an ...absurd.. amount of games, so I’m a little embarrassed even saying this....

Battlefront II and Rouge Squadron 2 got it right.

Nonissue. It was an ending that forced you to think about it and figure out the details on our own. I feel it still came to a reasonable conclusion, I don’t think it required to be spelled out.

It existed, it’s just people back then didn’t care as much.

Explain Generation Y.

If there is a noun, the internet will complain about it.


I’ll get excited when there is a western release date.

And that’s right around the same I’m I hit the back or close button and find a new link.

I waited over 20 got damn years for this...good or bad better or worse...I’m in.

It’s pretty sad that this could easily be seen as actually happening. One of the many reasons we just simply aren’t meant to truly knowing exactly what happens after death.

Sweet, a 60$ screensaver.

I hope its the greatest thing ever, so absolutely fucking fantastic that preteens will sing the theme next door at the top of their lungs at 12am as you lie awake questioning your sanity and the meaning of your existence.

Kinda...yeah...but nowhere near this intense. I remember it was mentioned every once in awhile when Return of the Jedi was about to hit the theaters, and the prequels (especially the first) were pretty hyped up but still within reason.

Just thinking about that possibility...Kojima working for SquareEnix.

There is no such thing as a beautiful death, the bowels let go as you do then your stomach acids begin to digest everything else.