
Argh! If I ever see another Mass Effects surreptitious advertising I'm gonna punch somebody! I already start to feel absolute hatred for that game - thanks to that exaggerated hype. I mean look at this article! How is that objective?! The author praises the game like a deep religious Christian does with the holy bible.

Its not bad. But I think that many illustrators should study modern architecture a bit to get some better inspiration than some cheesy sci-fi movies/ or games.

I wonder why people always undervalue the human intelligence. What do you understand by "intelligence"? Our brains are pretty awesome for all the technologies, artworks etc. we've done. I like the jellyfish example but it's not good enough, in my oppinion. You could say that pheromones are a typical earthling-trait.

I wasn't refering to the game. I wanted to explain what I meant by "meaningless". Well, I'm sorry if I can't find better words for it but English is not my mother language.

I love you! :D Alone that you mention Deus Ex and The Witcher makes your comment a win. And I told people over thousand times as well that ME and Star Wars are NOT real Science Fiction, but more like Fantasy in space.

Did you even understand what I've written? What I meant with "mindlessly" is to put something together without a real direction or good concept behind it. I study communication design so I'm confronted with "good concepts" and "bad concepts" everyday.


Well, I tell you what: there is a BIG difference between "known pieces" being put together to create a new story/art and "known pieces" being put together mindlessly or in the same manner like all the stories before. There are "known pieces" which are even very important and have to be used to create a story/art. You

Meh. I'm not a fan. The story is a boring cliche and the aliens act like humans in mascot-suits.

Absolutely agree. When I was a little girl I played with cars, actionfigures, LEGO and even built a treehouse with my best friend. I've got a Gameboy for my 7th birthday and you have no idea, how happy I was. I admit that I had Barbie dolls, too - but I almost never played with them. When I met with my best friend we

I'm really sceptical about this statistics. I mean Europe? better in innovations? Really? I live in Germany and I can tell you the opposite. Actually, everything seems to go down here - I'm currently a student in Düsseldorf and I observe how students and professors protest against the Bachelor/Master-perversity almost

Yeah! What about sexy cyborg men?


Agree! I'm feed up with the chicken-little-the-sky-is-falling!!1-movies nowadays. Why can't there be more optimistic and likeable movies? And I'm not talking about such cheesy action!chunks like "Transformers" etc.

The choices aren't really futuristic and new. They sound more like average music and uninspired to that. It's like someone from the 19th century would suggest us, that everybody in the future listens only to classic - not considering the later developments of rock, jazz, blues, electronic music etc.

lol wut?

I know, but it's still wrong. Cyborgs are half biological organisms half machines. Androids are robots in a humanlike appearance. The Terminators ARE humanoid robots. Imo, that's a big difference.

Mutants? Cyborgs? Androids?

I absolutely hate those covers. I really wish there would be more stylish sci-fi covers and less those ugly, bulky "things" which are eye-cancer for every book-designer and artist. Not to mention that those covers are sexist. I know that the covers are old but modern sci-fi books seem to have the same problem. See

Not really. Civilizations can specialize on specific technologies and abandon the rest. And since I don't believe that aliens are like us, it would get much weirder. Our brains are specialized on recognizing earth-typical lifeforms. But what about alien lifeforms which are definitely not eukaryotes and did not evolve