
@Konstantin Art: Deus Ex ... a game 10^10 times greater than Halo and ME.

I'm sorry to sound rude, but... this plot sounds really craptastic. Just another 08/15 serial to ignore.

I wonder what those ignorant vegetarians will say who think that we humans are herbivores even if there are over 10000 evidences that we are natural omnivores and always have been. But wait! Now they will "argue" with "But we have a choice! We don't have to eat animals!" *facepalm*

Can somebody tell me why they want to create human/alien hybrids?

That's very interesting :)

*Ahem* Gottfried Leibniz, not "Liebniz".

@RenRen: Why is it that all those hardcore climate-change supporters think that every climate-change "denialst" (or whatever they call us) is some stupid, creationism-and-conspiracy-supporting border-retard? Almost everyone of my family has an academic degree and my uncle is a professor at a technical university. We

It saddens me that most WWII stories are always about the Blitzkrieg in London. As if it was the worst thing that happened during WWII. What about the Warsaw Uprising for example? The Germans destroyed Warsaw almost completely but the people kept fighting with the hope that the "Allies" would come and help them (but

@cmoyano: Where did I mention COD?! And no thanks, I rather play System Shock and Deus Ex. Can't wait for the third Deus Ex game DX:HR - hopefully, they do it right. And no, ME doesn't have the best storyline.

@James McDonnell: Actually, there IS a gameplay video. Google it or look at the Deus Ex Youtube channel *rolls eyes*

@Tactful: [H+] (humanity +) is the symbol of Transhumanism (google it) and the ^3 means part 3 of the Deus Ex series.

I'm excited! :) Finally a game, which is different than most of the trash produced today. I loved DX1 and I'm sure that I'll love this one, too. :)

Err, I don't like ME much. It may have a good gameplay and stuff but the plotline is as terrible and naive as J.C.'s Avatar. I found ME1 still interesting but with part 2 (and now part 3) I start to dislike this game - including the boring, repeating story "everything is suicide-missions!!!1 OMGZ!!!!1!!oneone".

@Hi-Im-Asylum: I'm really tired of that cliché of "evil machines" (or should I say "evil technology" *rolls eyes*). I would like to see something new and innovative (and not too naive, please) but everything we get is the same old sh**.

Next time they make a movie about goatse and 2girls1cup.

Space as the only place to escape to after the climate change? Doesn't sound new to me. And I bet his characters are awful written just like in his last books. *yawns*