no. A clutch lasts nowhere near even what a moderately cared for auto does. Especially during the warranty period
no. A clutch lasts nowhere near even what a moderately cared for auto does. Especially during the warranty period
Is it me or could a lot of the stories of Soichiro-era Honda read like this:
I’m perfectly happy with my 2015 A3 with the APR ECU reflash and lowering springs.
Looks (*and is insured as) an A3....
I don’t know your grandfather.
Yep. The same is true for houses. My dad is a contractor, and whenever someone says, “They don’t build them like the used to.” He shoots back, “Good, old houses are pieces of shit, built by a bunch of drunken Irishmen.”
As my grandfather would say “they don’t build ‘em like they used to” to which I’d reply “Thank God.”
Yeah, the brain can play tricks on you for sure. It does look oily at first, but if you look hard at all the white streaks on the legs you’ll see that it is just paint after a few seconds.
That’s a damned-good Volvo commercial.
I know Jesus too. He drives an older Nissan pick-up truck, filled with lawnmowers, hedge clippers, and weedwhackers. Jesus mows and manicures my mum’s lawn once a month. Muchas gracias, Jesus.
I’m assuming the BMW guy was one beeping in the beginning at the dashcam car because the light was probably green, but the dashcam car was being nice and letting the schoolbus turn ahead of him.
My guess:
Libertarian conservative who looks at taxes and sees giant shrieking Jerusalem crickets with human-skin masks on their misshapen heads; accordingly, he has dashed hither and yon, urging everyone with even vaguely conservative leanings to sign a Purity Pledge not to get involved with dirty, filthy, whorish taxes.
Vapers have replaced potheads as the most obnoxious shitheads wiht the biggest first world problems in the world.
That was so accurate that it made me laugh.
Welcome to Jalopnik, Mr. Pence.
He’s dead. There’s no saving him.
Yes, but that’s for two different reasons.