
I'll just leave this here...

Is there anything better than a fast sedan?

Just curious - are those HP and torque numbers Euro calculations or do they translate to American figures? Total buzz kill that it's not coming to the US.

A diesel escort would sell like crazy in the US. This is just more proof that the marketing people at Ford are complete fucking idiots.

Oh wait, No US release

They're listening! They're listening! Wait, no US release??

Inline and straight can be used interchangeably. Transverse and Longitudinal refer to how the engines are mounted. For instance there are plenty of transverse mounted V6 engines.

inline refers to the cylinders relative to one another, transverse refers to the position of the entire engine relative to the car.

This is like saying that toilet paper is useless.

I bet all those people killed in GM products with defective ignition switches wish they'd had push to start.

I don't think you realize how tiny a budget NASA works with for what they contribute back. The pentagon spends more on AC for soldiers.

Kindly screw yourself troll

While I agree with the debt comment and have little love for spending like drunken sailors, NASA has had many failed space missions. The Mars Rovers, Hubble, the Shuttle, GPS satellites, the ISS... there's a lot of modern success there.

The only people that write in are people that had problems. Unsolicited consumer feedback is almost always negative.

Too Many Sweets Jesus.

I worked at a unionized supermarket in high school and was the "model employee" on good terms with the managers everyone else hated because I did at least the bare minimum that my job description required, while a large percentage of the other workers would punch the clock and go take a nap in the back room or hang

I've met a guy that is a janitor at a factory, and has been in that position his entire life. He's always been in some sort of union racket, so he brags about how he's now taking home $5,500/month to be a "janitor", while the rest of the janitorial staff does the actual work - and how he also manages to get Social