
Someone is going to discover the secret cypher that has been used for the Illuminati to converse with our Lozard Overlorda at this rate

To be fair, although he is hating and over simplifying, he has a level of a point. Stating that outside of generating the electricity with renewable sources, the power to charge these cars mostly comes from non clean energy and the success and popularity of Electric Cars will impede Hydrogen Tech much the way low gas

Steal 1.5M of future trash:get 10 years, Profit off the Crash the US Economy:Get appointment for Secretary of Treasury...


And “miscalculate” and send him careening into darkness <3

Now playing

and when 3 minutes isn’t enough... (One of my top 10 CD’s I’ve ever bought)

Now playing

For the TL;DR types, this came in the summer. Says Nothing about Trump but you can draw your own parallels.

then filled with trash, then refilled till it overflows

It’s almost like he is not the only person affected and the world doesn’t revolve around him... Paired with the fact that VW are reimbursing people for well more than the cars value, seems pretty reasonable to me all things considered.

So how exactly does a car roll around after an injury, he can’t really use a wheelchair... or can he...

The original character isn’t really Japanese, she’s not really any ethnicity, and she looks perfect.

VW GTI/GLI and get snows for winter.. put a stage 1 flash and call it a day. I even left mine low year round and never once got stuck

My understanding is the owner can “release it” they just can’t “sell it”. “A legal agreement with the purchaser states it cannot be commercially exploited until 2103, although it can be released for free or played during listening parties”

And you get better seats, better brakes, better sway bars and THEN you can still chip it... (TBH I’d just get an a3 and chip it to save some loot too, but you DO get more with the moderate increase in price). Below is the “low torque” map for APR stage 2 tune w intake and downpipe.

This happened to me at Circuit City with an old maroon Ford Tempo we were installing a radio in... interestingly enough they also only make a handful of key cuts for early 90's cars and we didn’t realize we had the wrong Maroon Tempo until we couldn’t find the customers radio in the back seat where they said they left

but at least they have a HEADPHONE JACK! amirite

Gawker has been liberal leaning for years, Univision has only owned them for like 2 months, you can take the tinfoil hat off for now. People aren’t Anti-Trump because the media tells them to be... they are anti Trump because the listen to him talk (at least in the NorthEast where we care about education and each other

I have these with the transparent center lids, they are the best storage solution I’ve bought to date.. worth every penny, even at full price.

I have these with the transparent center lids, they are the best storage solution I’ve bought to date.. worth every