
oh god ME - no really, oh god ME!

the cloud - i hate that term! Making computer illiterate people still computer illiterate since 2011.

i know how to fix this without spending any money.... dont buy a dog :p

so i have the alarm clock that has the helicopter that flies up and you have to go fetch it and put it back on the stand... i think my cat ran off with it and i cant find it anywhere - what a waste of money... bad kitty!

not to break topic.... but god bless this site is broke. Clicking a link to the right does absolutely nothing... and ca. & uk. are stuck on last weeks topics. Save me Giz!


Kinda like gas? I wouldn't want to be in Europe where everyone is paying $6-$8 a gallon. I guess each country has their perks. :)

I would semi agree with that - I have noticed around 4-6KB/sec myself. This is measured with a bandwidth utility. WoW really doesn't use much bandwidth as your computer is doing all the processing and rendering. You and the WoW server interaction is merely coordinates moving and minimal scripts processing.

As long as I can fit my favorite scrabble word 'Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico...' on it, I'm sold :D

Can we pretend that airplanes


472-65-1097 - I don't care... I use LifeLock!

@Graymulligan: - why haven't everyone bookmarked that!!!

Reports say... if you drink it, you will turn into a 'fanwhore' - i mean 'fanboy'

Would be better if it was the biiiig bubbles... /sad

I call BS on this one... if this was the case - there would be a HUGE issue and A LOT of money stolen!

Who has times for email, when ur downloading porn!


@Matt0505: - 'da best!