@William Juarez: ca.gizmodo.com - 'da best!
@William Juarez: ca.gizmodo.com - 'da best!
@cc: rofl
I know what I'd do. I'd come up with some crappy game/program, submit it, and purchase it $10,000 worth... assuming I just couldn't sell the gift card, as I'm assuming it is tied to a specified account. That way I'd get at least $6,000 cash from it :)
Cure for cancer... I wouldn't doubt that this is just a stunt to get her laptop back because she's too cheap to buy a new one... but who am I to judge; I'm just an American...
I have got to hide this article from my cat! He'll never forgive me!
@Jakooboo- C8H10N4O2: Naughty!
Wonder if the roach got its full name by crawling up someone's cock? Can I say that on here?
So... nothing about the South Pole... like ever... guess 'cause Santa Clause doesn't live there???
@JohnnyricoMC: Nice, me likey. Beats the massive drink coaster mountains I build!
@Sh0rD:i lol'd, that acronym cracks me up now
I do this with Bank of America!
uh hum... :::cough::: lawsuit :::end-cough:::
I just wait for the peanuts and coke... and then wait for them to come around and pick up the trash... thats my productivity on a plane :D
I always use any bills I get in the mail to start my fire. Then you can feel confident to know that u r doing ur part :P
@The5thElephant: You can do EVERYTHING with the earphones!
@MTVAH: This is all u need!
@Platypus Man: lolz
this would be great for cops... like a mini-shield when writing a tickets! lol