
Also, Corvette coil covers. Yes or no?

Pretty much! I get plenty of those, haha.

Yeah, I’m certainly not afraid of getting on the power, haha. I have to join a busy, non-controlled access highway during rush hour, and often have to go to full power to make it. Not that I complain. Until I have to drop $40 every week.

Yeah, I’m familiar with how they’re set up internally. Makes sense, but I also only have 1400mi on my car.

This is what I’m talking about though. Looks pretty silly, eh?

Ah, yeah. Catch can should help. I’ll pick one of those up this week then.

I live in Oregon. That’s every never, until it’s summer, then it suddenly becomes 100 degrees and the air is full of dust, so the top half of the car gets dirty instead of the bottom half. Plus, I have to take it someplace to get washed, because the water where I live is so bad it’ll be dirtier after I wash it than

I do have an account on the forum, but haven’t posted anything. Mainly because I don’t have any pictures or what have you. Once the rain goes away (in like July) I’ll get a chance to take some pretty pictures and stuff once the car is clean.

Like a dream! It’s been pretty much constant rain here since I got it, so it’s been neither clean nor controllable when I get on the power. I’ve noticed a willingness for it to break loose even in 3rd.

I thought this was in the US for a while. I was very excited that there was some agency that has both the balls and the wallet to run an SS police car.

It’s rare that I NP a custom car, but this looks so clean and like it was done professionally. The price is a little high, but it sounds like you’re getting what you pay for.

I can imagine! The deal went on just a little after a ship came in with them, hence the sudden boom in inventory. They only brought over a couple in manual though. I was able to find like...One, and it was gone seemingly in seconds. With the discount, they all pretty much disappeared.

Yep, that’s what I got. Final price for me was $37k. A fucking steal for what it is.

Yes, but the ones they’re replacing are still old. Clearly, the USAF wants to replace the EC-130H with something faster and more efficient, while still being able to buy and maintain them relatively cheaply.

Presumably speed as well, and parts commonality with a civilian aircraft that’s already been developed, which keeps the price down.

Yeah, the engine itself is pretty bulletproof, but it’s still a complex car, and driving hard stresses everything else, too. It would probably be fine, as I said, but for a daily I’d want something newer.

Eh, even if it’s fairly low per-year miles, a car like that was probably not driven gently. Might be a great car, but it’s really a crap-shoot. It would probably be fine, because people that have the money to buy that kind of car usually have the money and desire to take care of it, but you never know. That’s what

Unfortunately, that rebate was only through the 13th. I got me one too, for a steal, as the dealer knocked another 5% off for me. It was a great deal, but I don’t think it’ll be happening again, at least not for a while.

World of Warships is better.

I believe this to be called a “joke.”