
We have that. It’s called the police.

I don’t know, some of his replies seem awful serious.

So making emergency vehicles slow is going to fix that? How bout...I don’t know, making the roads safer by requiring advanced driver’s training, or say...improving the infrastructure so cars can better travel at high speeds.

Have you considered the little 80 year old woman next door to me might not have the best self defense capabilities? I’m going to guess not, cause you’re a fuckin dumbass.

Pretty much this.

“There’s someone trying to kill me!”

I agree. I honestly don’t know if I would accept it for free.

Well, remember that’s in Canadian pesos. It’s under $20k in real American greenbacks.

>Seven fries

The beauty comes from the standpoint that they’re designed with the ‘form follows function’ mantra. It’s job is to fly slow, blow shit up and get the pilot home. It does all of those extremely well, and that’s why it’s beautiful.

What the hell kind of regional jets do you have where you live? I need to know so I can move there and fly them.

I only clicked on this because there was a picture of a Viper.

Look, this joke again.

Looks really neat, right up until the sun comes out.


The only problem is that the exhaust is glowing red hot under the middle of the truck. The warranty probably wouldn’t have time to run out, because the truck looks like it would catch fire long before it expired. Insurance is what you want to pony up for.

That’s metal as fuck. I don’t know that I’d want it fixed.

Give me one with a proper engine for $5000, please. Sure, this car is clean, but “LS swap everything” is old and obnoxious.


I hate these so much. They creep me out for some reason.