
When you’re dealing with thousands of flights per day, it becomes extremely difficult to manage all that without the help of computers. Additionally, all the flight planning and reporting of the flight plans to the FAA is done through the dispatch center, which means every jet would need to get popup clearance as they

Right. His point is that it shouldn’t have worn out after 40-50 runs.


Well, the new Exploders are unibody, so that’s out. But really, it’s because cops have a lot of stuff now, and fuel economy has improved enough that they’re practical.

You sure? Still seem pretty funny.

Relatively cheap to produce, but not to implement. This is because all systems on an aircraft have to be certified if the aircraft as a whole is going to be certified. Even new GA planes don’t have electronic ignition, or even coil ignition. It’s not just about the reliability factor, it’s about expense. Adding more

I’ve caught myself using skookum in regular speech recently, but everyone seems to get what it means and don’t give me the strange looks I expect them to. Not sure how to feel about this.

There would need to be two systems, because there are two brake pedals, one for each wheel. Plus, and it’s especially true in these brush planes, but the “KISS” rule applies. These planes are simple for a reason. Additionally, tail wheel planes have been operating without ABS for more than 100 years, and ABS wouldn’t

Yeah, losing 150-200lb would seriously unbalance the aircraft, and be ridiculously dangerous, considering there’s a spinning fan of death just a few feet away.

Yeah, it doesn’t take much to lift the tails on these. Keep in mind it’s just a fabric covered lightweight frame, like pick up with one hand light, and the prop moves a lot of air. Also, since it’s so far back from the fulcrum (that being the main gear), the elevators can apply a lot of torque.

At that point, I’d say every little bit counts.

No full barrel roll. Not good enough.

Drugs are bad, mmk?

When I heard Chris Evans was leaving.

My guess is driver error or similar. Obviously a car with 400 more horsepower is going to be faster. If you think otherwise, I’ve got a nice bridge I’m selling that you might be interested in.

I think our Chris Evans would probably be pretty stellar at it. He’s got quite the charisma, and even if he’s not the biggest car guy, I think he would still be great at it.

I want this car so bad.

You’re right. This is what I need.


I got to do this with an E/A-18G once. That was a good day.