
This is a Sukhoi 27, not a MiG-27, which is a modification of the MiG-23.

Something about this isn't...right. The top pic looks like it has 5 blades, but they're spaced really weirdly, in that the farthest blade looks way farther away from the one immediately to the right of it, compared to the other four. The bottom pic only has 4 blades though, unless something is wrong with my eyes.

If a helicopter is heavy, they have to increase the pitch of the rotors, which creates a deeper noise than if it were light.

Actually, my guess is they'll send them back to the factory and have them rebuilt with non-faulty parts.

Peterson converted 182.

I take it you've never driven one then. They drive quite nicely. You can't expect it to drive the same as an M5. It's not an M5. It's not like anything else on the road, so comparing it to something else, intentionally or subconsciously, is rather absurd.

I don't see that as a bad thing, as Teslas are wonderful cars.

Why would you like that? That means you have no Tesla dealers at all.

This appears correct. I was thinking Lumina of the same era, but am second guessing myself now.

Not even just military hardware. Saying you own a plane, regardless of if it can blow things up is generally pretty awesome.

I'd be okay with this. Because MiG-25.

Regardless of how stupid it is, that is some insane car control. Dude is most supreme of drivers. Also, how do they do that without the tires on top spinning?

If you have a fighter jet, and say, "Hey, wanna go fly around in my fighter jet?" Which one do you think is going to get you laid faster? Driving around while being stared at by plebs, or breaking the sound barrier "accidentally"?

The F-5 doesn't have nearly the same panache, nor the capabilities of the MiG. It's a neat little airplane, but really, you'd have the big one. Personally, I'd have neither, and would see if I could find a MiG-25.

Seriously, a lot of cocaine.

I have lol'd.

That looks like the interior from the 3 to me.

Rod & Truck, actually.

I don't think landscapers are really in the market for a $52k truck...

Good thing it's not meant for rock crawling then.