
Before the middle-aged comments takeover this thread, i'd just like to point out, all of these neck problems could be fixed by a little Giggity!

That said, I always felt middle-aged to be from 35-60 as a range. Like this is the longest range because this is when people are most productive towards society. I guess I

When did 35 become middle aged?

They were not supposed to, there were infiltrated people that knew the answers and they were supposed to copy from them.

What did you want it do be? Ninja college? lmfao

because it's almost done. ALMOST! I KNOW IT IS! i'll stick by it since it's almost done! *been saying this for the past few years*

They're $13...

Why am I not surprised that *someone* made an upskirt shot. Jesus, people. Get a grip.

You're killing me, Fahey. I gotta open three different articles for comparisons? Pulling an IGN, eh?

Prepainted figurines never look in person like they did in the promotional stuff. Honestly these still look exceptional for pre-painted plastic.

Where's the comparison shots for Infinity and Skylander toys?

I did and I still do. I guess I'm a lucky one in a lucky studio.

I guess being in the heart of game development is not good enough. So, what should I do to see it? I would never call anybody a liar if they came to me with claims of harassment. Should people speak out more if they are truly victim? Of course! But until that happens, I can't honestly claims it's a common occurrence

I never said there was a huge secret GG movement. Do not put words in my mouth. If you search - even a tiny bit - you will see lot of people pointing out issues with gaming media for years. Nothing organized, nothing huge or secret. Just normal people wondering what was going on. A little comment here and there.

I work in the industry, and with many women. I can't remember a single case of sexism. However, somehow if I believe the media, it should be a daily thing. I'm uncomfortable with it because I believe it is simply not true.

Why do you assume people talking about journalism integrity never said a word before Quinn?

To be frank, I don't care much about gaming industry being friendly with gaming media. To me - a developer who worked on AC - they need each other to survive. Should they be impartial? Sure, and to me it's why we have so many review website, one will surely tell the things as they are. My issue, is how the media

How long before the media - or anybody - link whatever new name with GamerGate?

How do you know who the majority of Gamergate is?

I have had stalkers and restraining orders issued in the past, I have had people show up on my doorstep when my personal information was HARD to get. To have my location revealed to the world would give a entry point for a few mentally ill people who have fixated on me, and allow them to show up and make good on the

What drove Gamergate is gamers feeling they found clear reasons for journalist and bloggers to lose the moral authority that they have been asserting for a few years now. Lots of people who support it feel some type of way about different things, but I think that's what drove it. Gamers have been given the impression