That sounds like a lot of pent up hatred masqerading as an assumption. I don't think there are many people who are actually like that.
That sounds like a lot of pent up hatred masqerading as an assumption. I don't think there are many people who are actually like that.
So it's not a female Link. Linkle would be Link's sister, if anything.
Yea, but a female Link would be dumb. They HAVE a female heroine who would make a much better female heroine. They just need to stop sidelining her.
She's the TITLE CHARACTER for fucks sake.
Just swap Prince Link and heroine Zelda, and explain why the bearer of Wisdom is saving the day instead of the bearer of Courage…
why would siblings have the exact same name? If it's Link's Younger sister, why would they both be named Link?
What if Zelda was a girl?
They did this with the PSP as well. They simply do not feel the need to promote their handhelds beyond their initial launch - they arn't a handheld-strong company.
Yep, I was looking forwards to some Vita news, but nope, Sony just wants it used as a very expensive Wii U tablet for the PS4. I bought the thing back in May when they released their new Slim model, but really, what was the point when you're not going to support it? Was it just a dirty move to trick people into buying…
Tell that to my teenage self who watched that movie dussins of times ^^
9 year old me laughed my ass off.
You idiots! You captured their stunt doubles!
In a fantasy game, I fail to see why Rape is serious at all. Especially sense you can leave at any time by pausing and leaving or signing out or anything; you literally have to consent to have it happen to you.
I'm trying to point how they are only focusing on the rape part of the hack and not the entire hack. To be sensationalist.
Then why does this article only talk about rape and not all the other hacks that are possible or demonstrated in the videos? Why is the headline not
GTA Online Mods Let People Completely Control Other Players
If they could do everything else besides the rape part would this article be on kotaku? Lke if they could teleport people around, blow them up, become stuck to them, etc.... like everything else showcased would we have gotten an article? Or is it only cuz of the "rape" that this warrants the headline and the article?
Doesn't matter if it is not possible to do these things under normal circumstances and everyone should just prepare for Faux News to start the "Hot Coffee" Outcry v2.
How will his Kinect hear him outside?
I too feel like this idea is about 10 or so years old.
Not the first time I've seen this idea.