Minecraft is a game for just about everyone so this does not surprise me.
Minecraft is a game for just about everyone so this does not surprise me.
Oh golly, maybe this year gamers will grow up a little bit and realize that the imagined wrongdoings of a company that makes video games aren't even remotely in the same league as the actual 'bad companies' out there.
Or maybe they'll continue to do exactly what they've always done and be loud-mouthed children because…
The light bar on the controller can be a tad distracting though. Especially when it reflects on my TV.
I can't really watch right now, but doesn't this mean that the gun has to move independently of where the player is looking?
inb4 HILARIOUS anti Nintendo comments. Get ready to see the word "Rehash" a whole lot.
Totally agree. I always feel awkward in a Gamestop. The people there seem more like robots than humans. As you said, this isn't necessary them personally, but the crazy conditioning by Gamestop on what to say, when to say it, how to say it, etc.
Unless it's a video made by the Kotaku staff, they really should just list some of the things out. Otherwise this might as well be Facebook.
Same. I like to camouflage them with a horizontal line of real item boxes hoping that some poor sap will get careless and grab it when all the others are gone.
And, seriously, what the eff was up with that steering wheel accessory for Mario Kart Wii? Did anybody actually test that thing?
I actually really liked using the steering wheel. It was definitely more difficult than using analog sticks, but that's what made it fun. Essentially I used it as a handicap by allowing my girlfriend to play with the classic controller.
My favorite thing about Nintendo is the fact that even though Mario is milked, it usually is milked with a good to amazing game.
That's really all they need to say at this point. Looks a little better, and we slapped together some new tracks and power-ups for y'all. Enjoy. I'll still buy em. Also, Mario Kart 7 was actually really awesome on 3DS.
Anita Sarkeesian | On-point tweets and retweets focused mostly on women in games and other media.
Gamecube had a 485 MHz CPU and a 162 MHz graphics card and the PS2 had a 294.912 MHz CPU. I think they picked the wrong game to compare it to. The GameCube version was release quite a few months before the PS2 version. A majority of people I know played that version and skipped the PS2 version (or waited).
"with the original PS2"
The 360 controller's buttons are "mushy", too, but no-one complains about that. Are we a world of XBox fanboys? The PS3 controller feels so much better in the hand, more ergonomic, symmetrical and the buttons have a good feel, but, yes, it is far too light. Even the Dualshock3. If they put a bigger battery in, they…