@Sir Gibler: OMG, that picture made my penis run away.
@Sir Gibler: OMG, that picture made my penis run away.
@fury161: OMG, I can't wait to see ponies on my Retina Display!
This is great, I have a new place to bring my iPad WiFi.
@derilium: What else is there to achieve with a 3.5" screen?
Love it, but I wish there was a way to search and add feeds directly from the app.
@patranus: nice meat?
@dallasmay: That's totally safe. Trust me! lol.
So people who bought a 3GS on May 7th can exchange for an iPhone4 when it is released? That is very generous.
Just don't drop it. Not a big deal.
This is excellent news. The notification system is the most archaic feature of the iPhone. I hope they also work on that useless lock screen.
My thoughts on this device.
You know, after owning the HTC Incredible and experiencing Sense, I can now say I do not like it. I prefer vanilla Android. Sense made things too cluttered, and a lot of the applications Sense replaces (such as the dialer, email app, sms app) are subpar.
@pKoba: Yeah, I totally see that...I guess stainless steel is more durable than aluminum...hopefully Apple will begin moving in this direction for all of their products.
Steve looks shockingly thin again...
@stuffman: You can totally see the golden light being reflected off his forehead. I wouldn't be surprised if they also used external flashes.
You forgot to mention those amazing bumper cases! Wow! It's totally reasonable of Apple to charge $30 for a thick rubber band.
Does anyone else think the white rubbery rim will become disgustingly yellow within a week?
Maybe they just want people to sign up for their new tiered data plans.
I think I'll pass until Verizon carries it. Beautiful phone, though. It's like a Mercedes in your pocket.
@Yetibelle: only the stupid one's who don't do research. Apple made absolutely no mention of 4G...plus the screen graphics say 3G next to the signal bars.