Shawn Kemp's legitimate child

Trust me the Sixers won’t really miss Kareem Abdul Jakarr Sampson. He is a truly atrocious player. I assume the only reason the Nuggets signed him is to help their tanking effort because that is all he did in Philly.

Exactly....homeboy has no feet. Those are pretty crucial for overall agility. It isn’t like he is out there with Knife Blade legs like the lady in Kingsmen.

Peyton Manning is looking more and more qualified to be the next commissioner by the day.

Livin In America!

Meanwhile Trump was blocking the shots of children while yelling racist remarks to celebrate his win.

I am not sure if that was even a joke...obviously cancer isn’t funny. But there is quite possibly a correlation between carrying your phone in your bra and breast cancer according to some people.

1% is also the tip that Shady left that evening.

Are we sure that he wasn’t being guarded because that just looked like typical K State D to me....

I just assume anyone who likes the Jets also likes the Mets and the Nets because they all rhyme.

Better off a jerk from Jersey than a jerk from NY....I kid....but for real which NFL team is your favorite the New Jersey Giants or the New Jersey Jets?

I get what you are saying but that feels like an old school of thought. You used to have to go to the games live to see them at all because they only played a select few games on TV. Now when you tell your son about the time you went to see Russ play live he will have already seen every highlight of his ever on

I’m a Sixers fan who lives 50 miles outside Philly and I am going to my first game since Allen Iverson was still an all-star for them next Monday night against the Clippers....and only because someone bought me the tickets. You can see every team on league pass for under 200$’s and don’t have to deal with any fan base

Doubtful bonehead...Philly fans watched the game and knew the Sixers won.

Yes it was clear that the Sixers won that game.

He has learned from the best. Marc Zumoff has been renowned in the world of double entredre basketball commentary for years. My personal favorite was when Kyle Korver was backing down Luther Head in the post and without hesitation Zumoff spouts out “Korver wants Head”.

Dana White wanted to give the decision to the unconcious Northcutt but the judges wouldn’t allow it.

Have there been any studies done on the correlation between CTE and Evangelicals. I mean something has to explain all the religion in football.

It’s not like he did his job any differently yesterday and that got him fired. The fact that the Pats were constantly going with an empty backfield expecting their guys to block Von Miller and Demarcus Ware one on one was the problem.

Edelman took at least 5 hits this season where I thought he was concussed for sure. He will Welker his way out of football in a few more years.

Neck tats and condoning violence seem like they go hand in hand.