
Surveillance isn't going to unvictimize you. Police won't necessarily do anything even when presented with evidence. Don't put any faith in surveillance. It's all for the state and not for the individual.

"Nonetheless, you feel safe, because you know someone is watching."

I call BS. I don't feel safe in the parking deck I have to use - which is under surveillance. I had to dial 911 from there before. My state police hung up on me twice and it was 45 minutes until someone (local police) actually showed up.

Well, the truth is that an injection to the heart is used in some emergency cases, most notable are in cardiac arrest, or cases of anafailactic shock, where the state of the person is too advanced for the other two method. (intravenous and muscular), although you have to be too far off for it to be necesary.

So I came into this video thinking "who cares", and thinking "Because we just do"; then after watching it I learned what? "We don't really know, maybe it's because its the perfect amount of gravitational force?" Though if we lived in a 2D or 4D world we'd be saying that the gravitational force was perfect in either

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. To begin with, bus fares are a municipal issue, not a federal one. This is basic stuff. Even in the US local transportation is handled by local governments. Food prices go up and down as they are based on supply and demand (just like in the US), in addition to being

You presume you're not personally going to be targeted by hackers... yet you are willing to assume that Microsoft is willing to save multitudes of videos at 1080p, downloaded from whatever speed your upstream is, every time you turn on the XBox One, and turn them over to someone willing to sift through all those

and over to what chat system? Unless you build your own...they all share information with the government. Are you going to set up your own internal chat server and provide accounts for everyone you talk to, so that you hold the data?

Its also a common line doctors tell children when giving a jab or drawing blood. Unless doctors are raping children?

There are a lot of good points here, and I agree that it would have been more professional to avoid making any statement that could be taken that wrong way, but doesn't pointing out the phrase's origins in a Stephen King novel give more support to the claim that the joke was meant to hint at the idea of murder as

How is it a rape joke? Would it have really made it better if when she beat up his character afterwards that she made a similar remark?

Metal Gear Solid 3 was probably THE best game of the entire franchise, and it was a key point in the history, we needed to know who was really BigBoss and why the legendary soldier went from good to "bad" and how the the whole Patriots thing started. The game also had one of the best characters of the entire saga, The

They are too beautiful to play with, the reason standard cards have fancy backs is to mask marks, either through play or intentional.

Headlines you'll never see here:

All I can say is...Don’t blink.
Blink and you’re dead.
Don’t turn your back.
Don’t look away.
And don’t blink.
Good Luck.