
How surveillance can prevent pandemics? Many diseases don't even have visible symptoms.
I don't know what kind of grass you are smoking, but that shit is strong.

Correction: "The first jetpack you will be able to commit suicide".

So...It is a...CARtapult?
Ba dum tshiiii

Trust me, that butt-face "dance" is not popular here.
It's a shame that we are know for our worse side.

32 and still playing. And now I teach Game Design at the University.

Have you ever heard about sarcasm?

An Emo with a shotgun is still an Emo.

Considering how bad the Back to the Future set came to be, I don't think I want a Ghostbusters set.

THIS...was and never will be bad-ass.

That's an oversimplification. Cachaça and rum, although are made from the same plant (Sugar canes), the production is different. Chachaça is distilled from the sugar cane water. Rum is made from molasses.

Yes, I know, it all Aguardente at the end.
I'm Brazilian, I know all this stuf ;)

I not saying that you should not care about privacy. I'm saying that your arguments are weak. Hackers would be more interested in video footage of your living room than the government. And besides, Microsoft is not the only company that handles information to the NSA. The think is, you are focusing the problem in one

You were worried about getting a Kinect replacement and now you are worried why sell it separately if every console comes with a Kinect?

I know that the title may be misleading, but in the article, it says "every Xbox One WILL come with a Kinect". It does not say that you can't buy a replacement. That would be dumb for

Sure, because the government is interested on you playing Just Dance in your underwear.

And why Caipirinha is in the Rum section? It is not made with Rum. It is made with Pinga or Cachaça. Sometimes with Vodka or any other drink (If you go to a fancy bar).

Really? Do I need to show you that? Have you ever seen a X360 being sold without a controller?
It's like proving to you that all cars come bundled with tires.

No, the title means that you won't be able to buy a brand new Xbox One without a Kinect. It does not mean you cannot buy a Kinect replacement.

Sure, because you must buy a new Xbox when your controller dies, or when you need an extra controller.

I think it is more like "re-drawn", or re-colored.