
Games are not supposed to be realistic. They are supposed to be fun and to look like it is real, even though it is not.

I used to like Japanese culture. Now it is just...depressing.

All I can say is...Don’t blink.
Blink and you’re dead.
Don’t turn your back.
Don’t look away.
And don’t blink.
Good Luck.

That's cool. I got the chance to meet some or the guys from the dev team. They deserve all the best.

Vanquish and Bionic Commando (the ps3/xbox version) had such a cheesy voice acting...Man, I cannot play them.

I just found out there is an article under that picture...

This is a different game. Different universe.

Ohhhhhhhh burn...I would be crying in the corner if English was my first language. But it is not, so I don't care.

Too bad that Monopoly have the worse game design EVER.

Mini skirts should be mandatory, not prohibited.

Overhear peoples conversation does not annoy me. What annoys me is people who talk to damn loud to get peoples attention.

2 words...Optical Stabilization.

In Brazil, we have sushi with cream cheese and strawberries. It's very good.

Just let him complain. he must be a 12 year old who thinks that games are all about graphics.

He is not Forever Alone anymore.

That's weird, I didn't had to tweak anything, I just installed and it worked. Maybe some hardware incompatibility, I don't know =/

GoG's Thief works on windows 7 and 8.

This seems a recepy to ruin IRL friendships.

I still have to beat AC3...Damn Final Fantasy 6...

Good luck doing that during a blackout.