At first I read that they gonna build a 128 Story Skyscraper made of Mega Blocks.
At first I read that they gonna build a 128 Story Skyscraper made of Mega Blocks.
So, he is play a...
Expensive and Fugly...get me two of them.
Still, its an awkward position. I dunno, every game I`ve played witha virtual D-Pad is on the bottom of the screen.
I see that the the words "smooth" and "playable" are been used very loosely in this article.
Is that Optimus Prime or Buzz Lightyear?
Apple had a long series of ads bashing Windows and Windows users, but when Samsung bash Apple, it's wrong, so damn wrong.
Me neither...
Some things are too stupid to not troll about it. And Gizmodo writers are pretty stupid when it comes to kitchen appliances and design.
The designer part of me is really trying to not criticize this...THING!
Besides, I just noticed, this thing is double bladed, which means its harder to control the thickness of you cuts.
No it won't. You still must hold the thing you plan to cut with another hand.
So, Apple was great because they were innovative while competition was boring. Now, Apple is great because it is boring and competition is innovative?
How can you say Apple made a step forward with the new headphones when you don`t know if they are better or not?
I loved the Mako. Sure, some times it became a flaming dick to ride, but it was fun, and it could climb almost 90 degrees.
I think that, at some level, game violence actually helps to decrease every day violence.
Hardware specs like processor speed and ram don't mean squat when the OS and hardware are made for each other (Windows Phone and iPhone). So, this kind of comparison is pointless.
This was as funny as a 5th grade joke.
Distraction power.