Who do I have to kill to get a full set? And Guile's scenario?
Who do I have to kill to get a full set? And Guile's scenario?
Yeah, I was hoping that too.
Looks like the design By Me service have been discontinued.
If that's the case, it does not even make sense at all o.o
Its awesome...and it makes my eyes hurt. Its hard to see the figure on the pictures. o.O
The only thing that the iPhone made standard was the iPhone docks, which are used only by apple products. Its not an standard unless other companies use it also.
Apple does not follow standards, it creates'em *sarcasm*
If Apple was changing the hardware for my own good, it would adopt an micro usb connector. You know, a smartphone standard.
Can't wait for the nude patch
It's not suppose to be entertaining.
That just prove my theory that modern society is "Pussyfied".
But still, how often people play music boxes? I mean, that are fine and dandy, but...Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this can be good for an childrens app.
A game is only a game for the people who are playing it.
It's nice as a proof of concept and to show people that you are a hipster, but other than that, it's useless.
You mean, like Androids and non-smartphones.
Ok, it took me a while to realize that the internal shelves move forward when you open the internal door. You "gain" extra space by losing internal space or making the fridge bulkier. In the end, you are still losing space.
That's a Tachickoma? To me it looks like a blue bubble...I'm not kidding.
You guys are trying to convince us that the new commenting system is good?