Yeah, I know, some game designers really tried to push the hardware capabilities to it's limits.
Yeah, I know, some game designers really tried to push the hardware capabilities to it's limits.
To be fair, technical limitations (processing power and memory size) prevented games to have complex cinematics.
It does not matter if the PS Vita hardware could run the Matrix, without good games, it simply does not matter.
In Soviet Russia, everything watches you.
Nikon's naming scheme confuses the hell out of me.
Well, everyone on 4Chan post anonymously. and you can just visit it. But there are some disturbing things there.
Really? You never heard of 4Chan? Here the memes are born?
Well, value is subjective.
When I bought my Galaxy S2, a lot of games weren't compatible, but now they are. So give it some time, soon developers will add compatibility.
Yeah, they are normally green. When you talk about lemons to a Brazilian, that's what we have in mind.
Hey kid, there is a Chuck E. Cheese in my basement, wanna see it?
Well, here in Brazil, the original caipirinha is made with green lemons, sugar and cachaça.
So far, I only tasted with strawberries, kiwi and the classic with lemon.
They could at least make some caipirinhas wit it.
Ohhh, sorry, I wasn't sure =P lol
It's not about the teeth, but it's a choking hazard.
I'll just leave this here.
Who gives chewing gum to a two year old? Hell, I wouldn't let my kids chew gun until they 6 or older.
New footage from a security camera shows that she is now thinking with portals.
Hmmmmm, plastic boobs.