
I want a Part Popper powered Death Star.

PCs are great for games, Macs are great for porn.

I really don't think MS have anything to do with that.

Thats because Brazilian Portuguese OWNZ... *starts an international conflict*

Well, I didn't bought SC2, so I didn't knew that. That sucks, but anyway, I prefer the international servers to the Brazilian servers anytime.

Even in between south American countries, there is a lot of differences in between the Spanish language.

I think Blizzard thinks that the rest of the world cannot afford a Mac.

Most games you can choose you language in the settings. Its easier than releasing one copy for each region.

Although you have a valid point, I think you missed the article's point.

Well, to be fair, a lot of games from that period didn't had a proper ending.

The material is expensive, but for this application, it's very strong.

I must be a fuckin genius by Sorry, I was daydreaming.

I keep a circular saw on my nightstand.

She said "pole". heheheheheheh

It's never too early to learn about guns, casinos and sex.

That's sounds extremely dangerous.

This reminds me of an Extreme Makeover (I guess) episode where a woman wanted to become a guy.

I would not trade my manhood for pizza, not even If I could choose two toppings. Maybe three, but definitely not for two.

I think I'm responsible for the world hunger than.

If you watch the video on the KS page, you will notice that both prongs rotate together when you flip the switch. So, unless you break the prongs, you can't connect just one prong to the outlet.