I know what you mean, but the game play is totally different.
I know what you mean, but the game play is totally different.
I seriously thought it was made of manure.
I like how it looks like an OM-1 (one of my favorite cameras) but I don't like it mirrorless.
WOAHHHHH, Double helix all the way.
It's great, it's real time, yeah, it's awesome, but, the thing about videogames is hardware limitations. What is the horsepower needed to run this in real time. And again, we are talking about one model with a simple (and possible 2D HDRI bitmap) background. The real problem is when you put several animated models…
I understand, but I think you can sue Twitter for facilitating (is that word right? I don't know).
Brazil also have free speech on the constitution.
Well, fairy tales are, in fact, really dark and grim.
Freedom of speech does not mean that you can say anything without facing charges.
DUI checkpoints are not fixed. People use the twitter account to alert other drivers were they are.
It's not exactly like a CNC. On a CNC, you start with a block and the machine sculpt the shape. It's a bit troublesome when you have negative angles.
As long as no one survived and we don't send a rescue team, I think we are safe.
OMFG, That's terrible. People that never used an iPad and eat at Foxconn become grayscale =O
Moral of the story...don't be an ass and wait on the line like everyone else.
I never noticed that Tali had such a great rack.
Easy, they got back from the future and took pictures of it, DUH.
Well, at least here in Brazil, Blockbuster has been sold to Americanas.
The problem here is not about content, but how much money Cosmo can make in comparisson to Muy Interessante.
My underwear feels so thigh all the sudden.
It's not upside down when you are behind the camera.