
"It's funny, when I was a kid there was a huge move away from realistic toy guns" which makes me wonder how old are you, Andrew. When I was a kid, we used to have toy guns and used to play cowboys, cops and all that shit.

It was OK as a movie, but it sucked as Max Payne.

I just have one question...WHEN??????

Maybe he is talking about CDs.

I think there is a lesson here. If you want something done, stop talking and do it yourself

I don't need no fucking article to know that shit.

No, this is the biggest Elder Scrolls fan ever.

Niko Bellic, is that you?

You got "Toast Buster"

I want Legion and Garrus, please

Well, I'll stick with my SGS2 and will be happily wait for the ICS update.

I think this is a SGS2 Skyrocket.

I was laughing hard through the entire article.

I guess you didn't played Episode 1 and 2.

Only do it if you are a girl. Only girls are allowed to run around naked.

Gabe is a tool. I hate this guy.

I'm starting to hate HL for taking so long. The fricking story is unfinished. I don't want to dies without knowing what happens next.

That always be a redneck who will shot the window and vacuum everyone out.

Now that's a solution I like.

I'm afraid. Really.