
two things: are you trolling? and forgive my redundancy because i'm sure many people pointed this out, but by saying "it's just unfathomable to me how anyone— let alone an entire bunch of dudes— could be so bad at not being the worst" is saying:

"do you take this man to be your lawful wedded rapist?"

Spoken like a true rapist.

I only see where your coming from if you assume she is being sarcastic, I don't read it as sarcasm, I read it as it being unbelievable that a group of people, let alone a group of men, could be bad at not being bad, implying that "an entire bunch of dudes" would inherently be "not bad" ergo: good.

She was talking about the bunch of dudes in the GOP. In case you haven't noticed, they're always spectacularly wrong about every fucking thing. Dude.

Actually, marital rape laws are gender-neutral in most states:

The fact that specific men in your life had a bad experience with alimony/support payments is not a strong argument in favor of modifying the current neutral language of the law. It is an argument for getting better people in charge of applying said law. And it is certainly not an argument in favor of allowing the

lol, not here it doesn't. Again, you're being absurd and looking for outrage where none exists.

I thought this was just more that Idris Elba is super hot. Conceit aside, they're two female comedians who often pick on/point out the super sexy stars of the minute. This was pretty much in keeping with their style.

Oh, come on lol. "Randy" was a clearly white kid (think Justin Bieber) and the joke was that he's an idiot. There is no way in Hell Idris and Tina would have produced a child that looked anything remotely like Randy. You're being ridiculous.

we aren't all literal

Was this an "oooh naughty" joke though or a "kid, look at your complexion, look at Idris, let's be real" joke? I took it as the second.

But the summary is there's no jobs available for journalism majors?

Ha, good one Barry. As if a journalism job fair could get more simultaneously hilarious and depressing.

Because being honest with each other about what you want is out of the question?

If you need a woman to provide a sounding board for you or be submissive in order for you to feel masculine, you're really not masculine. At all.

What would you call argumentative or bitchy?

I think you missed the point... The OP was judged on superficial characteristics (weight) . The OP is now rallying behind her own superficial judgement of the cabbies income. Was the OP mistreated? Yes. But don't resort to your own superficial judgement. Call the cabbie on his lack of character and acting like a bad

That was exactly my take away from this. I'm not trying to silence the OP either as it sounds like the driver was terrible. I just wish the OP would have insulted his dickish and cruel behavior instead of his income.

Australian Bond?