Maybe why you're a former UPS employee?
Maybe why you're a former UPS employee?
It doesn't have to be a priority, or something a woman settles for. You might want different things at different stages in life. College junior? Maybe some no-strings action interests you. Just got divorced and your physical needs are screaming, but not ready for a relationship yet? A fling might be fun. Looking to…
Straight dude here!
Can we institute a ban on people who don't have a PHD and several peer-reviewed published works in the field of genetics using any phrase along the lines of "X is/isn't wired that way"?
Everyone's saying you're passive aggressive, so I thought I'd share this story: Once upon a time a young Bingo, Carlos rode on a plane to Arizona. I was seated next to The Biggest Bitch. So mean. I'm not even going to go into it. When she went to the bathroom I took her book and put her bookmark in the wrong spot.…
Huh? Don't they have a bunch of free porn on the internet nowadays?
European domination is a product of the free money europe got through exploiting the americas. It dates about 500 years back. Before that, muslim empires dominated europeans, mongol empires dominated muslim empires, and so on.
But doesn't this conflict with the science that says that all fat people are lazy overeating liars?
Ugh, TERFs. Proof positive that the very first thing a marginalized group in America does after achieving a measure of acceptance is look behind them for someone THEY can oppress.
Actually maybe you should reign in the disbelief because I found a link to exactly what Jason meant, so suck it. Here ya go
I mean, specifically? That's an employment law issue and not a family law issue. Employers in the US don't have to give anyone paid maternity/paternity/parental leave at all? So we're all equal in the sense that no one gets anything? You can always read about it online?…
Ok. Where are your "numbers and sciency stuff"? Don't see anything coming from your side of the argument.
In approximately 50% of cases, men who file for custody get it. The problem is, a lot of men are actually satisfied with the status quo. I agree with the actual law (in all but 4 or 5 states) that takes the best interest of the child into account above all else, as it should be.
Yeah, there is zero love in my heart for drunk drivers but to assert that she was trying to kill people is ridiculous and inflammatory
Your second post:
Le Sigh.
Here is California Family Code 3040. (a) Custody should be granted in the following order of preference according to the best interest of the child as provided in Sections 3011 and 3020: (1) To both parents jointly pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 3080) or to either parent. In making an order…
You have fallen into the trap of many. Just because a woman is sleeping with a man does not make him financially liable for her or her children. Financial responsibility does not get passed along. Why on earth does the fact that a woman has a boyfriend change the father of her child's responsibility to his child? It…
You mean, like the claims Jason_L made but the curiously was unable to back up? "Oh, but the source for my claim totally exists. I promise. I totally read it! I wish I could find it but hey ,I can't, so just believe what I say, k? OKAY!"
That's what he said, to the word, and you're ... defending this crap?!
True, and we've defended against plenty of those types of mothers/wives. But it is still true that there's a huge male misconception that mothers with custody are living large on child support and so they will do anything to pay less of it, even if they have no time or real interest in caring for a child.