
And also because of Jesus. Who is sooooooooo white.

Juuuuust kiddiiiiing! Gah, can't you take a super funny joke, you mirthless cranks? It's called "comedy."

Pulling out is a great birth control method if you aren't trying, and you also aren't not trying.

Well, I *would* take my own medicine, but I'm saving those Vicodin for New Year's Eve.

This will amaze you, but there are actually women who can fix their own car and their own computer. Also, my mother mows the lawn half the time. My father mows it the other half. When I get a lawn of my own (alas, apartment), it'll be on me. I can also hook up the new tv and work the remote. Who can't do that?!?

I actually do 90% of our home repairs (painting, drywall, wiring, etc.) because my mother owned rentals in a college town when I was a kid and my brother and I were free labor. I also mow the lawn when it needs to be mowed, take out the trash before it overflows, I know how to use all of the remotes in our house

Oh, Lizzy Caplan gets drunk and naked at work and it's "charming." I get drunk and naked at work and it's "oh God what is wrong with you."

Ran out of time; this was the best I could do with your composite request.

Cool story, bro. One time someone stopped fucking me and started fucking someone else. I didn't slash his tires or drive my car into the wall of his place of employment. Is this where I come to claim my cookies?

Don't do it, man. Honestly, go a step further- delete the pics. You don't need that shit, she doesn't need that shit, and you clearly don't need the temptation or ability to actually do it.

You know what WOULD make you a better person than this scumbag? Deleting those pictures. You don't have a right to get revenge, you don't have a right to post those private pictures just because you spent money on someone. You were hurt, and that sucks, but holding on to the 'possibility' of posting someone else's

It's honestly really concerning that you don't think these guys are assholes for what they did.

So? You might feel better if you went and burned her house down too. But you don't do those things because they are criminal and to do them makes you a very bad person. Simply holding back from being a complete piece of shit shouldn't get you accolades.

Standby, Ion Control... ;)

As long as we include Jeremy Renner as the male spokesman.

You're right. I don't give a fuck. But you're wrong about the asshole thing. That would be you.

Who shits on Ian McKellan? Really? Who does that? He's friggin' awesome and you would be lucky to have a career like his, asshat.

"...over the top, fruity actors..."

Men don't generally self-report as voting for emotional issues. My brother, for instance, insists he votes purely for economic reasons. He also has pictures on his facebook page comparing Obama to a monkey, asking why it's ok for black people to say the N-word but not white people, and insisting Obamacare will destroy

Your theory that "As long as women can identity a part of an issue that they can personally see themselves at a disadvantage in, it can be considered emotional" shouldn't just apply to women then. You could replace the word women with any group. This is practically the basis of the GOP's platform. They see themselves