Because everyone is a special snowflake who deserves a Duchess Kate wedding, of course!
Because everyone is a special snowflake who deserves a Duchess Kate wedding, of course!
They can go right ahead and register for those vases. If their friends and relatives want to deem some other life event a gift-giving occasion and give it to them, yay.
Giving a gift does not always attach an exact monetary value. So maybe I can only spend $10 on your gift, and so I look at your registry to see things you want, and then bargain shop for them within my own budget. That way you've not deliberately put me in the position of being embarrassed of my poverty, that I can…
I don't understand why this article is creating some kind of dichotomy that at a wedding you either get all gifts or all cash. Even if you create a registry and ask for actual gifts, cash is always still an option that a lot of people exercise, especially if they know the couple is just starting out, or one of them…
How about this: Gift registries need to die forever, and you don't have to indicate that your prefer anything else. If there's no registry, people will probably end up giving you cash. There's no reason to indicate that you "prefer cash" if there is no traditional registry by instead going for an "alternative…
I am sure someone brought this up, but if they are so strapped for cash, why are they having and paying for a wedding? If you can afford $15,000 for a wedding, then you don't need my money towards a down payment on a house. Just a thought.
No. Asking people for money is always tacky.
Except it turns out that caring does get dangerously close to zero sum. Most people are not saints and thus not founts of endless amounts of concern for the welfare of their fellow creatures. None — or very, very, very few of us — are so generous that we give constantly of ourselves. You can concern yourself with the…
A whole lot of things! Puppies! Kittens! Mojitos! Fresh snow! Naps! Everything normal and happy!
I find it weird that a site that rightfully tells people to stay out of the uterus of strangers plants their face in the amniotic fluid of another stranger due to their Social status.
I think I will. Enjoy caring about about an unelected influence that has, in history, colonized and enslaved peoples abroad while continuing to profit off of its peoples domestically. The very system that brought about fiefdoms and "chivalry".
Try caring about people who need the concern of strangers. People who have great need in their lives. If there is one thing that inbred clan of right-wing halfwits does not need it's the kindness of strangers.
You're mean. Sad, strange people actually care about this shit.
Thank god there is a spawn to continue this archaic and pointless institution.
What evidence?
I hate to be the Friday asshole and I certainly don't mean to take away from a very good article...but I don't think you're using begs the question right. It doesn't mean what you imply it means and I'm pretty sure you're aware of that.
I clicked on that 'Ask the bigot' link (because I'm stupid? I don't know anymore) and now I'm really annoyed that one of the first things it says is that even 'safe and legal' abortions are more dangerous than carrying a pregnancy to term. I am so fucking sick of people just inventing facts. It's not enough to have…
You are making the blanket assumption that EVERYTHING a parent does with a child is more valuable than whatever a single person is going to do. Which is exactly the problem. Yes, maybe the world will benefit from that Christmas Eve memory. Or, maybe Mom and Dad are assholes and it's just going to be more fodder for…