
Honestly your ex sounds like a fucking monster. I am so happy you left him and I genuinely smiled reading that you took your mom on your "honeymoon." 100 points for you!

Right? Christian evangelicals have more in common with radical Muslims than they'd like to admit.

Opiate of the masses, indeed!

I gotta be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed that you call it a "blowie."

I already posted about this once, but... I dated and fucked a guy who would stand up on the bed to switch positions. And that wasn't the weirdest part - he'd keep thrusting. He had a slight belly and serious sexing face, so he looked not unlike an angry bee with his dick as the stinger.

I went on a date. It was pretty much the worst date in the history of dates. It involves failure to read signals, and all sorts of things, and was just horrifying, but in the sort of way that makes a great story that night and forever after. If you want to read the entire sordid story, read on, otherwise, the

Woooooot! I'd high five my fellow winning klutzes but we'd probably all end up needing stitches and casts.

Going to be lazy from my castle here in Victory Village and just quote something I posted elsewhere on Jezebel back in September because it fits:

I think I need to clarify: not a real tail. I would actually be really impressed by a real tail. No, he just wore a clip on tail to the bar. No reason, no fancy dress party or anything. The next day my friends were all, "we can't believe you took tail dude home". I can still remember those pitying looks.

Young lady approached me on the bus—

Was it the iron-worker who was a secret libertarian

A white guy with the book "sensual Japanese love poems" on his shelf. He also tried telling me about his screen play :(

Just for you, Jerry: the crazy Brazilian who snuck back into my room while I was sleeping (2 hours after I sent him home), the teacher fetishist, the guy with the tail, the guy who refused to talk to me in high school, annnnnnnd my second cousin. Just for starters and because you asked nicely :)

A Juggalo. I would elaborate but I don't really think that's necessary.

That woman who is dating her dad.

The opera this ain't

A. It's not a shock that some women want to do this. I don't understand the desire but obviously some people have it.

I don't think that non-conformity for non-conformity's sake is what is going on here. I mean, as far as I understand it, feminism isn't about not conforming to mainstream music or fashion trends, it's about not conforming to cultural norms that are psychologically, economically, or politically damaging to people. I

This list isn't about how girls should dress in order to be professionally successful. It's a list about how women should dress if they want to marry the professionally successful.

We have basically two schools of thought in the comments: people like you (and me tbh) who think this is an absolutely outrageously specific level of demands to place upon another human being's body and personal appearance, and people who think it seems like a reasonable and normal set of requirements. It's really

The fact that these girls don't know that French manicures are now thought tacky makes me question the whole Panhellenic system.