
They don’t see that bragging and other horrific behavior as indecent at all. Not at all.

Remember the people on a Facebook group in Oklahoma that were threatening a transgender teen? These people believe they are decent even while bragging about making death threats. 

Really good point. Last I checked, sending death threats was a crime. I’m sure the FBI will get right on this. <<sarc>>

I think based on Trumps numbers, at least 1 out of 4 people is potentially a non-conscious zombies. As in... there is something seriously wrong with how they are hard wired and how they process information. They vote AGAINST their best interests (they’ve lost airports, lost towns, a guys house was fenced in by the

Given what we know about Brett and his friends, it’s likely they brag about all sorts of horrible things in public. On their yearbooks ffs.

Can we have a movie about HER instead??

All women, not just white women. 

That’s why her singing “Till It Happens to You” is entirely a colossal shitstain because it’s disingenuous. She openly sang and worked with R Kelly and Terry. The Kelly song was honestly suggesting that Kelly can do whatever he wanted with her body. Fuck her. She plays the victim card when it’s necessary for her.

Unfortunately not all Democratic senators are No’s yet. If one of these listed is your senator call them constantly and get everyone you know to call them:

Unfortunately we don't have a united front w red state dems.

And they won’t, so we’re fucked. 

Not that Tracy will read this, but just how weird is it that this whole article is, “I hear you, Lily, that you went through something in your life, but it would be great if you could just invent a different narrative that doesn’t reflect how you actually felt so that the narrative would be more helpful to progressive

Wouldn’t it be nice to see a woman really claiming her pursuit of pleasure?

WAIT. the age of consent question is really secondary here. he says she assaulted him. the hedging on this site of “oh, well, in some states the age of consent is 17" is absolute bullshit. he says she raped him. even if the age of consent WAS 17 in CA, raping someone is still illegal. 

So now you want to pursue whataboutism? Really? We’re just going to waste each others time?

As of writing this post every single episode of HOC involving Kevin Spacey is available on Netflix, so I don’t understand your comparison. It seems disingenuous at best.

I haven’t seen the movie so I was thinking maybe she didn’t have any scenes with him/ didn’t know him at the time. Nope. I’m more than a little skeeved out not.

Am I the only one disturbed that nearly the entire first half of this article is made up of supportive quotes by friends and colleagues of the alleged abuser, including claims the alleged victim is lying, and his testimony is buried near the bottom? Why isn’t his story centered in this article? There is NOTHING about

Bisexuals. Men fetishize them, lesbians (often) refuse to date them.

Nobody, it’s a stick-free environment!