
I actually have a mental illness that deals with thoughts like that. Often it's called intrusive thoughts or morbid obsessions which ties into OCD for many people.. Basically it's like what you said. Our brain thinks of as many possible outcomes as it can, usually with no emotion attached to it. This is why every

Deathnote got'em, obviously.

Depends on how much of a 1950s mafioso I feel like pretending to be ;)

Totally agree. To be fair, though, he went a little further than begging the other person to come back. He went SUPER CREEPY and completely violated his ex's privacy by posting those pictures.

Clickbait. It finds a way.

It does since nobody gives her the attention she craves unless she references him first. She can't "leave this guy out of it" because then she'd have to be out of any tiny glimmers of spotlight, put into the shade where she belongs, and that's what she wants least of all.

The implication that a night with Slick Willie doesn't include STDs is funny.

Ha ha, you said "so hard right now."

Plus, assuming they stopped hooking up after her scandal broke, there was only one season of House of Cards released when they were talking regularly, and he says here that he watched it. So it's really "Anthony Weiner may have liked House of Cards a lot in Season 1 but lost interest in Season 2, just like he stated

NonServiam is criticizing what Noreen Malone wrote, just like Kara is. What's the problem?

Hooray For Clicks: An Introduction to the Gawkerverse.

Would whoever mused "I wonder what's up with Sydney Leathers" please promise to never do that again?

I must collapse on the nearest available fainting couch. Anthony Weiner lied about how many House of Cards episodes he watched?! I'm not sure I can handle a revelation of this magnitude.

I was expecting more…… facts.

I have a favorite picture of Anthony Weiner!

The description of this post as "fact-checking" needs to be fact-checked.

Oh Jezebel/GM - just NO.

It is the only place I have heard the term.

Nobody uses BASIC, anymore. All the cool script kiddies use Python, nowadays.
